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Joanne McClean QUOTES

13 " So,” he began, after several minutes of silence, “how much did it kill you having to text me?”
I chuckled. “A lot. I was just glad I didn’t throw away the receipt – I didn’t fancy digging through bags of rubbish.”
Danny threw me another half-smile. “So you didn’t throw it out after all? I knew it!”
I rolled my eyes. “Your arrogance astounds me … could you be anymore conceited?”
“Could you be anymore attracted to me?” He quipped back.
I scoffed at him. “In your dreams! Do you really get girls like this?”
He quirked an eyebrow and flashed me that adorable crooked grin. “Many. Why – you jealous?”
“Hardly,” I shot back at him, “you’re not my type so don’t flatter yourself.”
He shrugged. “One hour with me turning on the charm and you’d be singing a different tune … trust me on that.”
I laughed. “You know there’s a fine line between being charming and being cocky … and you my friend, fall into the latter. And it’s not something to be proud of – it’s not an attractive quality.”
Danny smirked yet again. “Ouch. You really know how to insult a guy. Are you always this pleasant?”
“Are you always this obnoxious?” I retorted back.
“Ooh touché. You know – if I didn’t know any better – I’d almost mistake your frostiness for flirting.” He flashed me another half-smile and threw me a knowing look.
I rolled my eyes again. “Well you would, wouldn’t you Mr Overly-sure-of-himself?”
I watched as his confidence seemed to go into overdrive. “Say what you will, but I know you’re secretly charmed by me.”
I shrugged. “Whatever … just don’t be too disappointed when I don’t fall at your feet.”
He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. “Well, try not to be too surprised when you do.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t hold your breath. "

Joanne McClean , Learning to Breathe (Breathing, #1)