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Gina Damico QUOTES

125 " Why are we down here?”
“To stock up on weapons.” Uncle Mort crossed to the far wall. “We need lots of ’em. Driggs, pick that up, it’s not going to kill you—” Driggs gave him a look. “Okay, it won’t further kill you. Take a couple of these, too.” He handed Lex and Driggs a few thin vials of Amnesia each.
“What are these for?”
“Weapons. Aren’t you paying attention?” He walked to yet another wall and began to load up on items that were, at long last, recognizable as instruments of death.
“Guns?” she asked, surprised for some reason. “Not, like, Amnesia blow darts?”
“Oh, which reminds me.” He took something else off the shelf.
“What’s that?”
“Amnesia blow darts.”
Lex shook her head. “But why guns, if we have all of this other cool stuff?”
“Because despite our best efforts to use Amnesia as much as we can instead of lethal force, we’ll probably need to kill some people, and guns kill people.” He moved on to the next wall and began rifling through more gadgets. “Or people kill people. I forget how the hippies say it. Now, this one’s for you, Lex. I’m going to need you to guard this with every meager iota of attention span you have left. Okay? I’m trusting you with this. Don’t lose it.”
Lex got all her hopes up—even though she’d gotten to know Uncle Mort pretty well by now and should have known better than to get even a small percentage of her hopes up. And sure enough, the item he gave her caused the smile to evaporate right off her face.
“Don’t lose it,” he repeated.
Her eye twitched. “What is it?”
“What does it look like?”
“An oversize hole punch.”
“What?” she boomed as he went back to his papers. “You get guns, and Driggs gets the deadly Heisman, and all I get is an office supply?”
“Yes. Don’t lose it.”
It took every ounce of Lex’s strength to not kick the bubonic football into his face. Noticing this, Driggs swooped in and wrapped her in a calming, solid embrace. “Relax, spaz,” he said.
“But he—”
“—wouldn’t give you a bazooka. Oh, the unbearable trials and tribulations of the living.”
Lex deflated. Nothing put things in perspective like remembering that your boyfriend had been killed not a few hours earlier and was now stuck in some hellish existence halfway between life and death.
“Sorry,” she said, giving his arms a squeeze, happy that she could even do that.
“That’s okay. Human problems are hard. Hangnails and tricky toothpaste tubes and getting shat on by birds and the like.”
“Mondays suck too,” she mumbled into his chest.
“Oh, Mondays are the worst "

Gina Damico , Rogue (Croak, #3)

130 " His eyes were getting that intense look again, so Lex tapped him on the shoulder. “So,” she said loudly, “what’s our next move?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Well, it should be slightly easier to move now that it’s getting on toward nighttime. Fewer people around, less likely we’ll be spotted. On the other hand, things will be much quieter, and with you elephants stomping around, there’s a greater chance of someone hearing us—”
“Hang on,” said Elysia. “We’re not stopping for the night?”
Uncle Mort paused to stare at her. “We’re a little pressed for time here, Lys.”
“Yeah, but—” She looked to Ferbus for help. “It’s just that we’re kind of, um, exhausted.”
“And hungry,” Ferbus added.
“And some of us really have to pee,” said Pip.
Pandora raised two fingers. “And other things.”
Uncle Mort irritably ran a hand through his hair. “So what are you saying?” he asked. “You want to camp out for the night? Where do you propose we do that?”
“Well, obviously we can’t stay here,” said Lex.
“But we can’t leave until we know where we’re going—”
“For cripes’ sake, enough with the drama!” Pandora said, blowing past him. “Everything is a crisis with you people. Stairs are hard, that tunnel’s too small, my sister died—sack up already! You really want somewhere to sleep?” She flung the front door open. “Come on. I know a place.”
“The National Museum of Grimsphere History?” Elysia said, reading the sign before them.
“OH no,” Ferbus said. “We’re not going to have to learn things, are we?”
“And risk pushing out the space in your brain devoted to basic motor skills?” Pandora said. “Heavens, no. "

Gina Damico , Rogue (Croak, #3)

134 " Cordy,” Uncle Mort interjected, “helpful things. Please.”
“Sure, yeah,” Cordy said, still staring at her honeybunch’s biceps. “What do you want to know?”
“You can see into all the windows, right? What’s going on?”
“Well, ever since that alarm went off, everyone’s been going schizoid. The place is swarming with guards—all looking for you, I assume?”
They nodded.
“Well done. I think so far you’ve thrown them, but . . .” She looked up. “They’re all over the place, especially the next few floors.”
“Residential.” Uncle Mort nodded. “That’s where they’ll be thickest. What about near the top, in Executive?”
Cordy shrugged. “I don’t know—the windows are blocked to us for the uppermost twenty floors or so. Sorry.”
“Damn, she’s good.” The sparkle in his eye left little doubt that he was talking about Skyla. When Lex looked offended, he crossed his arms. “Hey, if we were defending this building instead of attacking it, you’d be very impressed right now.”
Cordy pointed at him and gave Lex a questioning look.
“Uncle Mort has a girlfriend,” Lex explained.
“Whaa?” Cordy said.
“Don’t even ask. It’s beyond our powers of human comprehension.”
“They even have a weird pool table euphemism for the dirty stuff.”
“Super gross!”
“Here’s an idea, Cordy,” Uncle Mort said, his irritation barely contained. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and keep a lookout for us?”
Cordy pouted. “Fine.” She leaned in to Lex and pointed back at her uncle. “I want to hear more about the lovefest later.”
“You really don’t. "

Gina Damico , Rogue (Croak, #3)