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The Fates Divide (Carve the Mark, #2) QUOTES

36 " Don’t worry,” Teka said, likely noticing that the rest of us had gone silent. “We’re cloaked. We look like a patrol ship to them.”
At that very moment, a red light flashed on the nav panel. Yssa looked back at Teka with eyebrows raised. It was a call, probably from the patrol vessel.
“Patch them through,” Teka said, unbuckling herself and moving to stand at Yssa’s shoulder.
This is patrol ship XA774. Please identify yourself.
“Patrol ship XA993. What are you doing afloat, XA774?” Teka said, without faltering for even a moment. “I don’t see you listed on the updated schedule.”
She was pantomiming for Yssa, pointing out the spot where Ettrek’s people had told us to land, urging her to move fast.
At what time was your schedule issued, 993?
“1440,” Teka replied.
You’re out of date. This one was issued at 1500 hours.
“Ah,” Teka said. “Our mistake. We’ll make our way back to our docking station.”
She slapped a hand over the switch to turn off our communicator: Go!”
Yssa pressed hard on the accelerator with the heel of her hand, and we zoomed toward the landing spot. Teka was nearly knocked off her feet by the sudden movement, so she clung to the back of Yssa’s chair as we lost altitude. Yssa lowered the ship to the patch of empty rooftop on the outer rim of Voa that Ettrek’s contacts had indicated.
“Is there really a patrol ship XA993?” I asked.
Teka grinned. “No. They only go up to 950. "

Veronica Roth , The Fates Divide (Carve the Mark, #2)