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Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1) QUOTES

63 " So I’m guessing that’s why you looked pissed off when I came in?” “Yeah, I knew he was still in there, but I didn’t know where and I didn’t want him to see you. I’m sorry, I know that’s immature, but he’s not my favorite person in the world.” “Babe, I’m surprised you let him even become a member. I would have escorted him out as soon as I’d seen him.” I smiled at Liam as he took another bite of baby food. “The thought crossed my mind.” He laughed softly, “Are you going to talk to him?” I leaned back into the chair as I got another scoop of pureed carrots, “I don’t know. If that night at the party wouldn’t have happened, I would in a heartbeat. But he changed things, I don’t think we can go back to being friends you know?” I shook my head, “God I still feel so stupid for not seeing it sooner.” He smirked at me, “You were the only person who didn’t get it. Even with Bree constantly saying something to you, you were so sure she was wrong.” “He was my best friend! He treated me like every other guy in Sir’s unit.” “Oh okay,” he scoffed, “‘my Blaze, my girl, I couldn’t just let you go to California without me’.” “Brandon Taylor … were you jealous of Carter?” “Me? Jealous? Of my girl running away from me to throw herself in some random guy’s arms? Not even close.” “Hmm,” I fed Liam another scoop of nastiness, “I seem to remember yelling at him and telling him to leave before running into your arms and kissing you.” He smiled wide, “I don’t remember that at all, you may need to remind me how that went.” His eyes had a wicked gleam in them as I leaned over Liam and stopped less than an inch away from his lips, “Brandon.” I whispered low and sultry. “Yeah?” He moved closer and I backed up a fraction of an inch. I smiled when he growled and lightly brushed my mouth over his lips before sitting down, “Well if you don’t remember it, I guess it never happened.” I said cheerfully and went back to feeding our son. “Tease.” “Oh yes, that’s me … the tease.” I winked and sat up for a chaste kiss. “And "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

64 " What the hell is your problem?!” Carter looked a little sheepish, “I’m just looking out for you Blaze.” “You’re being an asshole!” “Well!” His arms shot out to the side, “I don’t think he’s good for you.” I was getting freaking tired of people telling me who is and isn’t good for me. I crossed my arms over my chest, wishing I would have put my shirt back on. “And why is that Jason?” His eye flashed with hurt, he knew I only used his first name when I was mad at him, “Because of what he does. You heard him, he fights for a living Blaze. And he was having a hell of a time trying not to hit me and I just met him.” “Because you were being incredibly rude! And you’re right, you two had just met. If you would have given him five seconds you would have seen how amazing he is. Instead, you continued to push every button you could find, and why did you have to keep calling me your girl. I’m not your anything and you know that.” “You’re my best friend Blaze.” He said softly. “And I thought you were mine, but my best friend wouldn’t have treated anyone the way you just did, especially my boyfriend.” I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm. “Blaze I’m sorry. Please don’t walk away from me, I’ll make this up to you I swear.” Yanking my arm from his loose hold, I stepped closer to his body, even though I was much shorter than him, he still backed up, “Do you have any idea how much you’ve embarrassed me?” I put my hands on his chest and shoved him back, “When I told them about you, all I did was gush over how awesome you were and how much I missed you. Then you show up and treat them this way?” I looked down trying to get ahold of my emotions that were all over the place. I was embarrassed, angry and sad for the loss of the Carter I knew. Huffing sadly, I glanced back up at him, “Go back to base Carter and please don’t call me anymore. You shouldn’t have come to California.” He grabbed my hand when I turned away and pulled me back to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m so sorry Harper. I was being stupid, I just – I don’t know. I guess I felt threatened by them, you’re my best friend, and they were all looking at me like they wanted to protect you from me. It pissed me off, and I shouldn’t have let it. I’m really sorry.” I sighed and put my arms around his waist, “Because they would protect me in a second. It’s just the same as it was on base, Carter. These guys are really protective of me and Bree. That’s why I’m so comfortable with them, it’s like I went from one family of a bunch of brothers, to another.” “But you barely know them.” “Carter,” I laughed lightly, “how long had I known you before you knocked out a guy from a different unit that said something about my chest?” He shifted his weight not wanting to answer, so I continued, “About two hours. It’s the same.” “It’s not Blaze. I want to be the one to protect you. I don’t want anyone else to do my job.” “Oh my God. What is it with you guys? I don’t need anyone protecting me and I’m not your responsibility.” “I know you don’t,” he pulled back a bit and looked at my face, “there’s just something about you that makes guys go crazy wanting to take care of you.” I "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

65 " It’s just,” He exhaled loudly and sunk further into his chair, “I had to pull a lot of strings to move here with you, you have no idea how hard it was to do that. I get here, and you’re with someone and my hopes of being with you were completely thrown out the window. I mean, I obviously was wrong, but I’d always thought you knew how I felt about you and thought you felt the same. So you can imagine how pissed off I was when I found out how wrong I was.” “We were just friends though, I don’t know how many times you and I both said that.” “No, to you we were just friends. Yes, you were my best friend, but that wasn’t it for me. You don’t realize how much time I spent with your dad talking about you. He knew exactly how I felt, he knew why I wanted to follow you to California, he was the one who helped get my transfer pushed through.” “Sir did?” I deadpanned, “The same guy who wouldn’t let me wear women’s clothes?” “Yep.” “I thought you said he wouldn’t let you date Harper when you were in his unit, so why would he help you follow her here?” Brandon asked calmly. “Uh yeah he did, but he was also the one to suggest the transfer.” “What?” Who was this guy Carter was talking about, and what did he do with my dad? “I know, shocked me too. I’d already been thinking of a way to move out here when he called me into his office that Monday after you got your acceptance letter. He said something like, ‘You know, Harper’s leaving for California soon, she’ll be near Pendleton. If you were there, you wouldn’t be in my unit anymore.’ And then he gave me that look, you know the one where he expects you to know what he’s thinking? Then he said he’d start the paperwork if I was serious about being with you, and that was that.” “That just seems …” I trailed off not knowing what word to use. “So unlike Sir?” “Yeah.” “Shocked "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

67 " Wha–” Carter turned and roughly pressed his mouth to mine. My eyes went wide and I pushed against his chest, trying to scramble back. “What the hell?!” He was still holding my upper arms, his eyes smoldering, “Blaze, I want you. I’ve wanted you since I met you last year.” My jaw dropped and I shook my head, “What?” “I love you Harper.” “No you don’t, we’re not like that, you know that!” “No … I don’t know that. I moved here for you, I followed you across the country so I could be with you.” I glanced at the people looking at us and tried to quiet my voice, “Carter, you’re my best friend. Don’t do this. Don’t try to change things between us, let’s just go back to how we were.” “Did you never understand anything I did for you? Did you not hear everything I’ve ever said to you?” He looked at me incredulously, “I have never thought of you as just my best friend, I even asked your dad if I could date you and he made it clear as long as I was in his unit, I couldn’t. But I knew you would be leaving soon, I knew that was our chance to be together.” “Carter,” I said softly, “I love you, but not like that. You even said it yourself, I’m like your little sister.” “You know I was lying. I had to because you didn’t even wait five fucking seconds before hooking up with the first guy that you came across.” My jaw dropped, “Jason!” I hissed. “Just give us a chance Blaze, I can love you and take care of you better than he can. Better than anyone can.” “I’m in love with Brandon, but even if I wasn’t, I would never think of you that way. I’m so–” His lips were on mine again, and I leaned as far back as I could, “Stop!” I yelled as I shoved him off me. As soon as he was a few feet away, someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me back further at the same time that Brandon plowed into Carter with his shoulder, knocking both of them to the ground. "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

74 " Well, well. If it isn’t the princess.” My body tensed and I frowned when I saw him approaching. Narrowing my eyes, I plastered on a fake smile. “I almost didn’t recognize you without a tramp attached to you.” Drew and the other guy snickered. Leaning into my ear he harshly whispered, “Would you like to change that? I’m not up to my limit tonight yet.” Gah, why did he have to be so hot? My body was practically humming with how close he was. I leaned away and replied with the most innocent expression on my face, “Oh I’m sorry, but I don’t have any STDs, I’m not your type.” Drew started choking and Breanna spit her next shot all over the counter. Sputtering and choking, she finally composed herself enough to chime in, “Chase, you better stay away from my roommate. I told the guys she’s off limits.” I tore my eyes away from his to look at Bree, “You know him?” Everyone started laughing except for the guy standing next to me. His eyebrows were raised and his perfect mouth was slightly open. I guess women don’t turn him down often. “Well I’d like to think so, he is my brother.” Oh. Crap. Heat instantly spread to my cheeks and I took a step away from him. Now that I’d been informed, I realized I should have known it. They had the same blond hair, blue eyes and killer smile. “Wait, Harper is this the guy you said was a jerk?” My eyes widened and I looked at the ground. “You said I’m a jerk?” Chase laughed and turned to the bar, “She’s the one that just practically called me a dirty man-whore.” “Don’t be rude to my friends Chase! "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

76 " As if he knew I was thinking about him, Chase fell into the seat next to me. I removed a hand and looked into his dark blue eyes. “You hiding?” That stupid sexy smirk was there again. “Is it that obvious?” He looked around the empty back yard, then glanced back to me, “A little.” He stretched out his long legs and sank farther into the chair, “Tell me, what’s a princess like you doing at my party?” I bristled and literally had to bite down on my tongue. “I’m not sure what you mean, but I was invited.” It came out a little harsher than I’d meant it to, but I wasn’t about to apologize for that. His smirk was gone, and he looked pissed, “You don’t have to be invited to come to the party, but if you didn’t notice, you don’t exactly fit in here, Princess.” He sneered. My mouth dropped open with an audible pop, I quickly shut it. He was right, I didn’t. But seriously? Rude. At least when I was snide, you could hear the sarcasm. “If the way we are disgusts you so much, feel free to stay at school next time.” Standing quickly, he shot me one more glare before turning away. Aces. I’ve been here a little over a day, and my time here in California was already starting off so well. “Chase,” my voice stopped him, “I’m really sorry, I was out of line.” He turned to look at me, head cocked to the side. When he continued to look at me with a confused expression I went on. “I was raised not to back down to people, but what I said was too much. So, I’m sorry. I don’t know you, I shouldn’t judge you.” A huff of a laugh escaped his chest and I saw the corners of his mouth slightly tilt up. He shook his head, still looking confused and now a little stunned before he took off around the side of the house. This "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

80 " Harper, you decent?” My breath whooshed out of my body and I gripped the vanity counter. That voice. God, that voice was like home to me. “Yeah, I’m in the bathroom.” He rounded the corner and handed me a mango protein smoothie, “If you already ate, you don’t have to drink that.” I did, but I was already hungry again and greedily sucked down some of the delicious icy mix. “Thank you.” I said with a moan. Brandon laughed and rubbed my stomach, “What’s up buddy?” “He’s feisty this morning.” I took another sip and started braiding my hair over the top of my head and down to the side, putting the long length back in a messy bun before grabbing my cup again. “How are you?” My eyes met his in the mirror and he didn’t answer at first. “I’m good.” His husky voice was soft. He offered his hand and helped me stand up, wrapping an arm around me, “How are you Harper?” “I–I’m fine.” I glanced at his chest rapidly rising and falling, then his mouth and finally back to his eyes, “Thanks for coming today.” “I’ll always be here.” His fingers brushed along my bare neck and he leaned down slowly. “Brandon, don’t.” I pleaded. He stopped abruptly and removed his arms as he took a few steps away, “I’ll uh, be downstairs.” “Brandon.” “Yeah?” His back was still turned to me. “I can’t be with you.” I want to so bad, you’ll never have any idea how bad, “We can’t keep doing this to each other.” “I know, I just … I know.” He sighed and walked out of my room. “I love you so much.” I whispered once the door was shut. After "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)