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Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1) QUOTES

22 " Chase shoved one of the ultrasound pictures in Bree’s face, “Then what the hell is this?” I stepped up next to her, took the photo out of his hand and spoke softly, trying to hide my shaking. “It’s mine Chase.” You could have heard a pin drop. Chase’s face had softened as soon as he’d seen me, but turned into one of shock when he registered what I’d said. After a few minutes, a grin that reached his eyes spread across his face as he searched mine. His eyes slowly trailed down to my stomach and grew wide, “You’re pregnant Princess?” “Yes.” I whispered. He lifted his head to smile at me and dropped it again, gaze fixed on my bump. This time no one stopped me when I let my hand fall to cover it lovingly. “Is it – is it mine?” “Of course it is.” “We’re going to have a baby?” “Yes.” “This is our baby?” He reached for the photo in my hand. I smiled, “Yes.” His expression was so beautiful, tears instantly poured down my cheeks. “We’re having a baby.” I laughed through my tears and nodded my head. Chase ran a hand through his hair and huffed out a laugh. He looked from the picture to my stomach once more, “I love you so much.” he breathed and closed the distance between us, crushing his lips to mine. I didn’t care that his family was watching, I threw my arms around his neck and let him lift me off the ground. After I was good and kissed, he set me back down and dropped to his knees. Running his hand over my gummy bear bump, he lifted my shirt and kissed my bare stomach twice. A sob broke out of my chest and I looked at Claire who was freely crying and leaning into Robert. Even Bree was wiping a few tears away. Chase stood back up and cupped my face in his hands, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was scared,” I shrugged, “I still am.” “You don’t have to be scared,” he whispered and kissed my nose, “I’ll take care of us.” I "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

24 " —El día que conocí a tu madre, sabía que estaría en mi vida para siempre. Había algo sobre ella y supe que me estaba enamorando ese primer día. Te hacía querer ser mejor, tratar de ser digno de su amor. Lamentablemente, tu padre pensaba lo mismo, nadie entendía por qué cambió drásticamente, excepto yo. A pesar de que ella estaba conmigo, dejó de beber, dejó de dormir con otras chicas, es como si lo hubiera hecho madurar al instante y convertido en el tipo que finalmente quería ser para que pudiera tener una oportunidad con ella. Siempre tuve miedo de perderla por él algún día, es como si me diera cuenta de que era una cuestión de cuándo, no de sí. Pero tu madre era diferente, yo había salido con muchas chicas, pero realmente no me importaba si estaban allí o no. Eran sólo alguien para tratar de llenar el dolor de perder a mi padre. Así que cuando me reuní con ella y se dio cuenta de mis sentimientos, luché por mantenerla tanto tiempo como pude. No se lo digas a tu mamá, pero Chase y yo constantemente peleábamos por ella cuando no estaba cerca. Infierno, incluso peleábamos por ella cuando estaba cerca. Sabíamos que cualquiera de nosotros podría tener a cualquier chica que quisiéramos, pero sólo queríamos a Harper. Así que, por supuesto, siendo nosotros, las palabras se utilizaron en puños y volaban cuando nos quedábamos solos. No le dije esto, pero ya sabía lo que había pasado con tu padre antes de que ella me lo dijera. Cuando llegué a casa de la rotura, y Chase no me molestó de nuevo, sabía que algo había pasado. Sólo no sabía qué todavía. Pero ¿sabes qué pequeño hombrecito? No puedo ni siquiera estar loco sobre eso más, porque si no hubiera pasado, no estarías aquí ahora.
Besó suavemente a nuestro hijo de tres meses quien estaba completamente cautivado en sus historias y señaló la última foto en el libro.
—Y él te amaba y a tu mamá, muchísimo. Siempre voy a recordarte eso, pero desearía que hubieras podido reunirte con él. "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

37 " Saying goodbye to everyone, I picked up my bag and began walking away as a deep husky voice called my name. I didn’t stop walking, but looked over my shoulder in time to see Brandon walking around the table toward me, and Chase holding the brunette’s head away from his as he watched us, she just continued onto his neck. Falling into step with me, he held out a hand, “We haven’t met yet, I’m Brandon Taylor.” Dear Lord that voice could warm me on the coldest day of the year. “Harper Jackson, nice to meet you.” He smiled as he held the door open for me, “You too. You seem to know the rest of the guys pretty well though we’re just meeting, they said you’re Bree’s roommate?” “Uh, yeah. I am, but I don’t really know them well. I’ve only talked to them for a total of about ten minutes before today.” “Really?” The corners of his mouth twitched up, “You seem to make quite an impression in a short amount of time then.” “Oh I definitely made an impression with them.” I muttered. He looked at me quizzically but I shook my head so he wouldn’t push it. We stopped walking when we got to the path that would take me to the dorms and him to his next class. I turned towards him and shamelessly took in his worn jeans resting low on his narrow hips and fitted black shirt before going back to his face. I hadn’t realized how tall he was when we were walking out, but he had to be at least a foot taller than me. His height and muscled body made me want to curl up in his arms, it looked like I’d fit perfectly there. I nervously bit my bottom lip while I watched his cloudy eyes slowly take in my small frame. It didn’t feel like the guys at the party, looking at me like I was something to eat. His eyes made me feel beautiful, and it thrilled me that they were on me. Thrilled me that they were on me? Get a grip Harper you just met him two seconds ago. “Come on PG, let’s go.” Chase grabbed my arm and started dragging me away. “Chase! Stop!” I yanked my arm out and shot him a dirty look. “What is your problem?” “I’m taking you and Bree to the house, and you need to pack for the weekend so let’s go.” He grabbed for me again but I dodged his hand. “The weekend, what?” “You’re staying with me, go pack.” I narrowed my eyes and started to turn towards Brandon, “Fine, hold on.” “Harper.” “Go away Chase, I’ll meet you in the room in a minute. Go find Bree.” He moved to stand closer behind me so I just sighed and gave Brandon a lame smile. “Sorry, apparently I have to go. I’ll see you tonight?” I don’t know why I asked, he actually lived there. A sexy smile lit up his face as his hand reached out to quickly brush against my arm, “See you then.” With a hard nod directed towards Chase, he turned and walked away. "

Molly McAdams , Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)