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Haru Ichiban

Writer, artist, doctor and English teacher, also expert at leading quadruple lives. I am pretty sure aliens dropped me here when I was born, but can't find direct evidence of that.

I write so I can read the stories I'd like to read. As simple as that. I invent my stories with the heart, not the mind. You'll surely feel the "spark" in them, the life in the characters, the freedom that is hard to define with words. Because I really, really like to write. Writing what you like is so much fun, and you can clearly see it when the author enjoys themselves. That"spark" is what I seek everywhere, no matter how famous the writer is or how sharp their writing skills are.

Why paranormal romance, erotic romance, detectives, mature young adult and romantic comedy? I would love to refer you to Stephen King's excellent prologue of Night Shift. When people asked him why did he write horror, he replied "Why do you assume I have a choice?"

the Works of Haru Ichiban