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Until Nico (Until, #4) QUOTES

14 " I’m going to ignore the fact you just said I looked like a drug dealer.” I narrow my eyes on him.

“Bro,” he laughs, “you and I both know you look like you belong on the other side of the law.” He shakes his head, looking me over. “That’s why—I have to say—I was surprised to see your girlfriend. She couldn’t be more opposite of you if she tried. Does she even have her ears pierced?” he questions with a smile.

“I’m not going to tell you again. You don’t need to know anything about Sophie.”

“You gonna marry her?”

“Yes,” I state immediately.

“Jesus, you’ve known her for what—a day?”

“A few months, but I knew the moment I saw her,” I tell him, watching his eyes widen.

“Why am I just learning about her then?”

“First, there is not one damn reason for you to know about her. Second, I know you bitches love to sit around and gossip like a bunch of women in a knitting club, but unlike you f**kers, my business is my business.”

“Does Mom know her?” He smirks, and he knows she doesn’t.

If my mom knew about Sophie, the phone chain would have been activated, and everyone and their mothers would know about her. That’s why she will meet Sophie as soon as I get back into town; it would be f**ked up to introduce Sophie to my mom after I’ve already married her and knocked her up.

“She’ll be meeting her soon enough.” I shrug.

“You are so f**ked.” He laughs, and I couldn’t agree more. "

Aurora Rose Reynolds , Until Nico (Until, #4)