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Lavender Morning (Edilean, #1) QUOTES

1 " Miss Edi: My brother Bertrand is the laziest person in the world.
David: Oh yeah? And how lazy is that?
Miss Edi: When he was three and saw all his gifts under the Christmas tree, he said, 'Who's going to open them for me?'
David: I've heard worse.
Miss Edi: When he was six, my father bought him a bicycle and took him out to teach him to ride it.
David: And?
Miss Edi: Bertrand did very well. My father ran along behind him, holding on, and my brother balanced perfectly. But when my father let go and the bicycle stopped, Bertrand asked why. When my father said he had to push on the pedals, my brother left it lying there in the street, and he never got on a bicycle again.
David: Not bad, but I've heard worse.
Miss Edi: When he was twelve, my parents took us out to a restaurant, the first one we'd ever been to, and my father ordered steaks for each of us. When my brother's came, he looked at it and asked how he was to eat it. My father showed him how to cut the steak, then how to chew it. My brother called the waiter back and ordered a bowl of mashed potatoes.
David: Okay, that's getting up there, but I have heard a few worse.
Miss Edi: When he was sixteen, my mother arranged for her beloved son to go to a dance with a very nice young girl. He was to pick her up at six pm. At six-thirty Bertrand was sitting in the living room and my father asked him why he hadn't gone on his date. My brother said, 'Because she hasn't come to get me yet. "

Jude Deveraux , Lavender Morning (Edilean, #1)