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Wake Me Up Inside (Mates, #1) QUOTES

23 " Aren’t we waiting for Lori?” Jonah asked.

Toby didn’t turn around as he answered.

“Nah, she isn’t coming. We’ll meet up with her later today.”

Great. Lori was too pissed to see him and Toby was like

Antarctica. Jonah still wasn’t completely sure why they were so angry,

given the fact that Zev hadn’t told anyone back home about their

relationship. Well, there was one option; his old friends weren’t

comfortable with him being gay. Tough shit.

Jonah figured the best way to deal with the situation was to face it

head-on. But as soon as they got into Jonah’s car, Toby started fiddling

with the radio. Jonah decided to bide his time and wait for Toby to

finish what he was doing so they could talk. He almost lost his

composure when the other man landed on a Barry Manilow song and

kept it there. Toby had to be the only Fanilow under the age of fifty.

“So I’m guessing Lori told you about that guy in my apartment

last night.”

Toby’s posture immediately stiffened. Several long moments

passed before he answered.

“Yeah, she did.”

“Anything you want to ask me about it, Toby? Might as well get

it out there. No reason to walk on eggshells around each other.”

“Ooookay,” Toby responded, drawing out the word. He took a

deep breath and turned to face Jonah. “Did you stumble across a

clearance sale on jackass cream or something? Maybe they were

running a special on lobotomies?”

Well, that was an unexpected response.

“Huh? Whatta you mean?”

“What I mean, Jonah…,” Toby said in a louder voice, “is that I

know we’re all just a couple of bad decisions away from being one of

those weirdos who buys fake nuts and hangs them on the back of his

pickup truck, but you really managed to win the stupid cake last night.”

Okay, this conversation wasn’t going exactly how Jonah had

planned, but he still felt the need to defend himself.

“Stupid? Why? Because I’m gay? That’s not a bad decision,

Toby. It’s not a decision at all.”

Jonah pulled into a parking lot of a decent diner, turned off the

car, and turned to face Toby. The conversation was tense and awkward,

but at least Toby’s atrocious music was no longer making Jonah’s ears

bleed. Jonah would have preferred hearing his car engine drop out and

drag across the asphalt than another cheesy ballad.

“No shit, Sherlock. But cheating on Zev is a decision. A really

bad decision.”

Jonah’s mouth dropped open, and he snapped his eyes toward

Toby in shock. Holy crap. Toby knew about his relationship with Zev.

That meant Lori knew. As much as he hated being hidden from Zev’s

family and life back in Etzgadol, Jonah didn’t want the man to be

forced out against his will.

“You know?”

“Know what?”

“About, um, me and Zev?”

Toby rolled his eyes.

“Of course I know. Just because I was blessed in the looks

department doesn’t mean I was shorted anything upstairs. I’m not an

idiot, Jonah. "

Cardeno C. , Wake Me Up Inside (Mates, #1)

26 " Okay, then, how does Zev not having sex with me make sense?

You just said you’ve been sleeping with Lori since high school. You

went to nursing school out of state, so clearly that didn’t stop you.”

“That’s different, Jonah. My relationship with Lori isn’t like your

relationship with Zev.”

Jonah wasn’t surprised, he was just tired. Of course Toby would

see the relationships as different. Two men couldn’t possibly feel about

each other the way a man feels about a woman. Apparently having a

gay uncle couldn’t change that type of thinking.

“Right. Because we’re gay. Our relationship can’t be as

meaningful as yours,” he responded sarcastically.

“No,” Toby replied, looking straight into Jonah’s eyes with a

somber expression. “What you have with Zev is much deeper.”

Jonah’s mouth dropped open, and he stared at Toby. As long as

Jonah had known the other man, he’d had a thing for Lori, and, as far

as Jonah knew, they were very happy together.

“Last night when we came to your place, Zev flipped out. Did you

know that?” Toby said.

Jonah shook his head. He’d been sitting in his bedroom and

hadn’t heard a thing.

“Well, he did. He lost it and ran outside. I followed him and

caught up to him in the alley. He’d punched a hole in the side of your

apartment building and he was kneeling on the ground, vomiting and


Jonah’s heart broke. So that was how Zev had acquired those

injured knuckles. He didn’t want to hear any more.

“I didn’t know what the hell was wrong,” Toby continued. “I

couldn’t get him to come inside and I didn’t want to leave him out there

alone. Once his stomach was empty, he just kept dry heaving and

shaking. Eventually Lori came out and told me what’d been going on

before we got there.” Toby glared at Jonah. “I wanted to go upstairs

and kick your ass myself when I heard there’d been another man in

your bedroom. You wanna know what stopped me?”

Jonah couldn’t bring himself to respond. He was still thinking about Zev crying on the street. The man was always so strong, so steady and confident. He’d never seen Zev cry, and the knowledge that he’d caused that level of pain made Jonah feel sick.

“I knew that if I so much as looked at you crosswise, Zev would’ve crippled me. No matter what you’d done to him. "

Cardeno C. , Wake Me Up Inside (Mates, #1)

31 " The human buried within the wolf’s skin exerted every ounce of

control he had and forced his wolf to move back, lest he frighten his

best friend. Zev raised himself off Jonah on shaky legs and backed

away into the corner. He rolled himself into a ball and whimpered

quietly. He hurt. Every nerve ending in his body wanted to touch Jonah.

He needed to claim his mate, but he couldn’t because Jonah was male

and human. Zev had never known pain as intense as that which coursed

through him as a result of the denied need to be with his mate, to tie

together and join with him in all ways possible.

“What’s wrong, Pup?” Jonah approached Zev with his hand out,

palm up. He squatted down by the huge wolf and looked at him with

concern. “Are you sick?”

Jonah’s position brought his crotch dangerously close to Zev’s

face. The young man’s enticing scent was strongest in that part of his

body, and Zev couldn’t stop himself from raising his head and resting it

in Jonah’s lap, sniffing at him and burrowing as close as he could

through the protective barrier of his mate’s pajama pants. He rolled

onto his stomach, hiding an arousal that he knew would frighten and

repulse the human, but kept his head in place on Jonah’s thigh with his

nose close to Jonah’s sex.

With his mate near, he could feel Jonah’s heat, smell Jonah’s

scent. They were together. It was enough. It had to be enough. For now.

The last thought—an internal promise from Zev’s human to his wolf

that the separation from Jonah’s body was only temporary—was what

Zev’s body needed to soothe out the cramping that had taken over his

intestines. "

Cardeno C. , Wake Me Up Inside (Mates, #1)