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Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers, #2) QUOTES

47 " Okay. Fine. Why are you disappointed in me, Cletus?”

“Because I provided means and opportunity. All you had to do was exploit the situation.”

“What are you talking about?”

“On Friday? With the blankets and coffee? You think that was all by accident? That was arranged.”

“Arranged?” I blinked at him while he tore off another piece of his doughnut. It smelled like it was strawberry flavored.

“Yes. Arranged.”

Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms and examined Cletus. I decided he was odd. “You’re odd.”

“Yes. I am. But that doesn’t negate the fact that you fumbled my pass. If we’re going to make this thing happen with Jethro, I need you to bring your A-game.”

“This is about Jethro?” I sat up straighter.

“Of course. What’d you think I was talking about?” Apparently I wasn’t catching on quickly enough because he sighed loudly and rolled his eyes with great effect. “Do you want my help or not?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I said quickly, leaning forward at full attention. “Yes. I want your help.”

“Fine then. We need to coordinate our attack.” Cletus punctuated this statement by popping the remainder of the first doughnut in his mouth.

“Good. Yes. Attack synchronization.” My phone rang as he chewed. I glanced at the screen, saw it was Marta, and sent it to voicemail.

Marta called back immediately, earning me a severe frown from Cletus.

“You should get that.” He gestured to my phone. “You get that and I’ll ruminate while eating this other doughnut. "

Penny Reid , Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers, #2)