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Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2) QUOTES

41 " What?” I cut him off. “That’s not true—I do take this seriously—”

“Bullshit.” He laughs a short, sharp, angry laugh. “All you do is sit around and think about your feelings. You’ve got problems. Boo-freaking-hoo,” he says. “Your parents hate you and it’s so hard but you have to wear gloves for the rest of your life because you kill people when you touch them. Who gives a shit?” He’s breathing hard enough for me to hear him. “As far as I can tell, you’ve got food in your mouth and clothes on your back and a place to pee in peace whenever you feel like it. Those aren’t problems. That’s called living like a king. And I’d really appreciate it if you’d grow the hell up and stop walking around like the world crapped on your only roll of toilet paper. Because it’s stupid,” he says, barely reining in his temper. “It’s stupid, and it’s ungrateful. You don’t have a clue what everyone else in the world is going through right now. You don’t have a clue, Juliette. And you don’t seem to give a damn, either.” I swallow, so hard. “Now I am trying,” he says, “to give you a chance to fix things. I keep giving you opportunities to do things differently. To see past the sad little girl you used to be—the sad little girl you keep clinging to—and stand up for yourself. Stop crying. Stop sitting in the dark counting out all your individual feelings about how sad and lonely you are. Wake up,” he says. “You’re not the only person in this world who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. You’re not the only one with daddy issues and severely screwed-up DNA. You can be whoever the hell you want to be now.

You’re not with your shitty parents anymore. You’re not in that shitty asylum, and you’re no longer stuck being Warner’s shitty little experiment. So make a choice,” he says. “Make a choice and stop wasting everyone’s time. Stop wasting your own time. Okay? "

, Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)

59 " Самотата е странно нещо.
Промъква се до теб незабелязано, присяда на леглото ти в мрака и милва косата ти, докато спиш. Увива се около костите ти, затяга се така силно, че почти не можеш да дишаш, почти не чуваш пулса си, докато тя се разлива нагоре по кожата ти и докосва с уста меките косъмчета по тила ти. Оставя лъжи в сърцето ти, лъжи до възглавницата ти, изсмуква светлината от всеки ъгъл на стаята ти. Превръща се в твой вечен спътник, стиска ръката ти и те дърпа надолу точно когато опитваш да се задържиш на крака.
Сутрин се будиш с въпроса "Кой съм аз?" Нощем не мигаш, трепериш. Съмняваш се съмняваш се съмняваш се
или не
трябва ли
защо не мога
И дори когато си готов да я прогониш. Когато си готов да избягаш от нея. Когато си готов за съвършено нов живот. Самотата е старата приятелка, застанала до теб в огледалото, гледа те в очите, предизвиква те да заживееш без нея. Не намираш думи да се пребориш със самия себе си, да се пребориш с думите, крещящи, че не си достатъчно добър и никога, ама никога няма да бъдеш достатъчно добър.
Самотата е злостен, не възможен спътник.
Понякога просто отказва да те остави на мира. "

, Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)