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The Atlas Six (The Atlas, #1) QUOTES

103 " Because of this place I’m a murderer,” he said. “Complicity,” he amended after a moment’s consideration. “Soon to be.” The last was a conclusive mutter.
“Get to the funny part,” Libby suggested dryly.
“Well, there’s a stain on me now, isn’t there? A mark. Would kill for…followed by a blank space.” Nico summoned the knife back to his palm, only of course it didn’t register that way. One moment the knife was cast aside, the next it was in his hand. “I wouldn’t have that if I hadn’t come here. And I wouldn’t have come here at all if it weren’t for you.”
She wondered if he blamed her. He didn’t sound accusatory, but it was hard not to assume that he was. “You were going to do it regardless, remember?”
“Yeah but only because they asked you.”
He glanced down at the knife in his hand, turning it over to inspect the blade.
“Inseverable,” he said, neither to himself nor her.
“Inseverable,” he repeated, louder this time. He glanced at her, shrugging. “One of those if-then calculations, right? We met, so now we can’t detach. We’re just going to always play a weird game of…what’s the word? The thing, espejo, the game. The mirror game.”
“Mirror game?”
“Yeah, you do one thing, I do it too. Mirror.”
Libby asked, “But who does it first?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Do you resent it?”
He looked down at the knife, and then back up at her.
“Apparently, I’d kill to protect it,” he said, “so yeah.”
“We could stop,” she suggested. “Stop playing the game.”
“Stop where? Stop here? No,” Nico said with a shake of his head, fingers tapping at his side. “This isn’t far enough.”
“But what if it’s too far?”
“It is,” he agreed. “Too far to stop.”
“Paradox,” Libby observed aloud, and Nico’s mouth twisted with wry acknowledgement.
“Isn’t it? The day you are not a fire,” he said, “is the day the earth will fall still for me. "

Olivie Blake , The Atlas Six (The Atlas, #1)

118 " You,” Gideon realized aloud, glaring at Nico. “You set up a ward against her without telling me, didn’t you?”
“What? That’s crazy,” Nico said blandly.
“Nico, you had no right—”
Immediately, he gave up the (very weak) game. “That’s ridiculous, of course I did—”
“—You can’t just interfere without telling me—”
“—I was going to tell you; in fact, I’m sure I already did! It’s not my fault if you didn’t read the minutes closely—”
“—for the last time, my mother is my problem, not yours—”
That, of course, was met with a growl of frustration from Nico. “Haven’t you figured out by now that I want your problems?” Nico demanded, half shouting it, and thankfully, Gideon’s mouth snapped shut. “Your pain is my problem, you idiot prince. You little motherfucker.” Nico rubbed his temple wearily as Gideon’s lips twisted up, half laughing. “Don’t laugh. Don’t…don’t look at me, stop it. Stop it—”
“What are these pet names, Nicky?”
“Shut up. I’m angry.”
“Why are you angry?”
“Because you seem to think for some stupid reason that you should be handling everything on your own—”
“—when really you should be handling it on your own, is that it?”
Touché. The bastard.
“Gideon, for fuck’s sake, I’m rich and extremely handsome,” Nico growled. “Do you think I have my own problems? No, I do not, so let me have yours. Put me to use, I beg you.”
Gideon rolled his eyes. “You are,” he said, and exhaled. “unbearable. "

Olivie Blake , The Atlas Six (The Atlas, #1)