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Lady Be Bad (Duke's Daughters, #1) QUOTES

7 " I am not certain that Lord Carson and I will suit one another."
Mostly because she knew she was falling in love with his brother. But that she wouldn't share.
She couldn't believe she was speaking so boldly to her mother. To anyone, honestly.
Neither, at least according to their expressions, could her mother and Olivia.
"What do you mean?"
For once, her mother was actually asking her a question that didn't presuppose the answer.
"I mean," Eleanor said slowly, feeling how her chest was tightening at even the thought of saying something so undebutante-like, "that I do not wish to go driving with Lord Carson this afternoon. I mean that I would like to be unhampered by an engagement for just a bit more. That how you all are bearing down on me makes it feel as though I am a thing to be manipulated, not a person who could live her own life."
Her mother's mouth dropped open, while Olivia looked as though she didn't know whether to cheer or to slap her sister.
"Live your own life?" her mother said, her voice rising into a screech. Eleanor winced at the sound. "Your sister made it impossible for any of the rest of you to live your own lives, unless you plan on living your lives in penury and disgrace."
"It isn't that horrible," Olivia pointed out in a reasonable tone. "The worst that could happen is that we settle for gentlemen we actually like rather than gentlemen you and Father decide on for us."
Now Eleanor wished she could cheer for her sister. "

Megan Frampton , Lady Be Bad (Duke's Daughters, #1)

10 " This is- cricket?" she said, sounding skeptical.
"What did you imagine it was? Unless you thought the actual insects were wandering about playing some sort of organized entertainment," he said, raising an eyebrow at her as he spoke.
She looked at him, her blue eyes wide, and then they narrowed and her words emerged before, he would guess, she had time to consider what she was saying. And the lady from the bookstore reappeared.
"You seem to think I am so idiotic that I would possibly imagine that insects would be engaged in a sporting activity." Her tone dripped with icy disdain, and he felt himself heat at the sight of her enraged. "I assure you, my lord, that simply because I have not yet had experience with things that I am not entirely stupid." She glared at him, her eyes narrowing even more. "That is what you believe, isn't it? That I am unintelligent?" She focused her attention on a small purse she'd brought along with her, opening it with shaking fingers. "I am many things, or not many things, depending on what your perspective is, but I am not stupid." She withdrew a pair of spectacles from her purse and placed them on her face, settling the wires behind her ears. "As it happens, I am poorly sighted. That much is true." And she resumed glaring at him from across the seat. "Likely you have misjudged my expression because I have a lack of vision. But since you don't seem to think very highly of me in the first place, I might as well wear my spectacles so I can see your disdain."
He wanted to both applaud and kiss her all at the same time. "

Megan Frampton , Lady Be Bad (Duke's Daughters, #1)