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Seduced by His Touch (The Byrons of Braebourne, #2) QUOTES

9 " Nestled into a bed of shiny cream satin lay a heart-shaped pendant on a simple gold chain. The heart itself was created from over a dozen delicate round amethyst stones, while the center held a miniature painted on porcelain. Done in a series of fine, delicate strokes, the artist's rendering depicted a tiny garden, alive with masses of yellow and white hollyhocks.
Right away, they reminded her of the flowers she'd been drawing that long-ago day in Bath. The day of her and Jack's very first kiss.
Her gaze went to his, breath stilled in her chest. "Oh, Jack. It's Sydney Gardens, isn't it?"
"That's right, with those stalky, puff-headed flowers." He gave her a gentle smile. "Do you like it?"
"I love it."
"I chose amethyst, since you said it's your favorite stone. I hope I remembered right?"
"You did. It's so lovely. Thank you. I'll wear it each and every day," she promised. "Your heart tucked against my own."
A peculiar shadow flickered momentarily across his eyes before he reached for the necklace. "Here, let me help you put it on."
"Yes. Please," she said, relieved he'd offered. Her hands were trembling with so much emotion that she doubted she could have managed the task on her own.
Turning slightly, she angled herself so he could place the chain around her neck and fasten the clasp. The slight weight of the gold and stones grew instantly warm against her skin. "There. How does it look?" she asked as she moved to face him again.
"Beautiful," he said.
But when she glanced up, she realized he wasn't looking at the pendant. Instead, he was looking at her. "

Tracy Anne Warren , Seduced by His Touch (The Byrons of Braebourne, #2)