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Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3) QUOTES

121 " Curran rested the back of his head on the edge of the hot tub and closed his eyes. I stared at the way his face looked, etched against the darkness of the wall. He really was a handsome bastard. Poised like this, he seemed very human. Nobody to impress. Nobody to command. Just him, in the hot water, tired, hurting, stealing a few precious moments of rest, and so irresistibly erotic. Well, that last one came out of nowhere. It was the beer. Had to be.
Despite all his growling and threats, his arrogance, I liked being next to him. He made me feel safe. It was a bizarre emotion. I was never safe.
I closed my eyes. That seemed like the only reasonable way out of the situation. If I couldn’t see him, I couldn’t drool over him.
“So you didn’t want to see me hurt?” he said. His voice was deceptively smooth and soft, the deep, throaty, sly purr of a giant cat who wanted something. Admitting that I took his well-being into consideration might have been a fatal mistake.
“I didn’t want you to have to kill Derek.”
“And if he had gone loup?”
“I would have taken care of it.”
“How exactly were you planning on pushing Jim aside? He was the highest alpha. The duty was his.”
“I pulled rank,” I told him. “I declared that since you had accepted the Order’s assistance, I outranked everybody.”
He laughed. “And they believed you?”
“Yep. I also glared menacingly for added effect. Unfortunately, I can’t make my eyes glow the way yours do.”
“Like this?” he breathed in my ear.
My eyes snapped open. He stood inches away, anchored on the tub floor, his arms leaning on the tub wall on each side of me. His eyes were molten gold, but it wasn’t the hard, lethal glow of an alpha stare. This gold was warm and enticing, touched with a hint of longing.
“Don’t make me break this bottle over your head,” I whispered.
“You won’t.” He grinned. “You don’t want to see me hurt. "

Ilona Andrews , Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)

125 " We lunged for each other at the same time and collided, crazy with need and starving for a taste. Warnings and alarms wailed in my mind, but I shut them down. Screw it. I wanted him.
He found my mouth. The thrust of his tongue against mine made my head spin. He tasted like heaven. I kissed him back, nipping, licking, melting against him. It felt so good . . . His lips traced a fiery line from my mouth to the corner of my jaw and down my neck. My whole body sang in warm liquid triumph. His voice was a ragged whisper in my ear. “Only if you want to . . . Say no, and I’ll stop.”
“No,” I whispered to see if he would do it.
Curran pulled back. His eyes were pure need, raw and barely under control. He swallowed. “Okay.”
It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen. I reached for him and slid my hand up his chest, feeling the taut muscle.
He caught my hand and kissed my palm gently. Heated, tightly controlled want shone in his eyes. I pulled my fingers free, pushed from the wall, and kissed his throat just under the jaw. This was bliss. There was no hope for me.
He growled, closing his eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Pulling on Death’s whiskers,” I murmured, letting my tongue play over his skin, rough with stubble. He smelled divine, clean and male. My hands slid up his biceps. His muscles tensed under the light pressure of my fingers. He was trying very, very hard to stand still and I almost laughed. All those times when he’d called me “baby” . . . Revenge was sweet.
“Is that a yes or a no?” he asked.
I slid against him and nipped his bottom lip.
“I’ll take it as a yes.” The steel muscles of his arms flexed under my hands. He grabbed me, hoisted me up onto him, and kissed me, thrusting into my mouth with his tongue in a hot, slick rhythm, greedy and eager. I threw my arms around his neck. His right hand grasped my hair, his left cupped my butt and pushed me closer against him, his erection a hard, hot length across my lap.
“Let me in,” Derek growled at the door.
Go away.
The guard said something. Curran’s hand found my breast and caressed the nipple, sending an electric shock through my skin, threatening to melt me . . .
“Yes,” Derek snarled. “I’m a member of the damn team. Ask them.”
“Curran,” I whispered. “Curran!”
He snarled and kept going. The door swung open.
I hit him on the back of the neck. He submerged. Help. I’ve drowned the Beast Lord. "

Ilona Andrews , Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)

130 " I stopped by the super for the new key, climbed to my apartment, and studied my new lock. Big, metal, and shiny. Not a scratch on it. Even the key itself had a bizarre groove carved into it, which made the whole setup supposedly completely burglar proof. Pick that, Your Majesty.
I unlocked the door, stepped inside, and shut it behind me. I kicked my shoes off, wincing at the hint of ache in my stomach. It would take a long time before it healed completely. At least I no longer bled.
Tension fled from me. Tomorrow I would worry about Hugh d’Ambray and Andrea and Roland, but now I was simply happy. Aaahh. Home. My place, my smells, my familiar rug under my feet, my kitchen, my Curran in the kitchen chair . . . Wait a damn minute.
“You!” I looked at the lock; I looked at him. So much for the burglar-proof door.
He calmly finished writing something on a piece of paper, got up, and came toward me. My heart shot into overdrive. Little golden sparks laughed in his gray eyes. He handed me the piece of paper and smiled. “Can’t wait.”
I just stared like an idiot.
He inhaled my scent, opened the door, and left. I looked at the paper.

I’ll be busy for the next eight weeks, so let’s set this for November 15th.


I want lamb or venison steak. Baked potatoes with honey butter. Corn on the cob. Rolls. And apple pie, like the one you made before. I really liked it. I want it with ice cream.
You owe me one naked dinner, but I’m not a complete beast, so you can wear a bra and panties if you so wish. The blue ones with the bow will do.

Beast Lord of Atlanta.

Ilona Andrews , Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)

133 " Me acerqué a pedirle al encargado que me diera la nueva llave, me arrastré hasta mi apartamento y estudié mi nueva cerradura. Grande, metálica y brillante. No tenía ni un rasguño. Incluso la llave tenía grabada una muesca extraña, que le proporcionaba un sistema a prueba de ladrones. Chúpate esa, Su Majestad.
Abrí la puerta, entré y la cerré de nuevo. Me descalcé, estremeciéndome por el dolor en el estómago. Iba a tardar mucho tiempo en curarse por completo, pero al menos ya había dejado de sangrar.
Me había relajado. Mañana ya me preocuparía de Hugh d'Ambray, Andrea y Roland, pero de momento me sentía muy contenta. Ah, mi casa. Mi hogar, mis esencias, mi querida alfombra bajo mis pies, mi cocina, mi Curran sentado en la silla de la cocina... ¡Espera un momento!
-¡Tú! -Miré la cerradura, lo miré a él. Era demasiado bueno para la puerta a prueba de ladrones.
Con mucha parsimonia, acabó de escribir algo en un trozo de papel, se levantó y se dirigió hacia mí. Mi corazón se desbocó. Unas pequeñas chispas doradas danzaban en sus ojos grises. Me tendió el trozo de papel y sonrió.
-No puedo quedarme.
Me quedé mirándolo como una idiota.
Inhaló mi aroma, abrió la puerta y se marchó. Entonces miré el papel.
Voy a estar ocupado las próximas ocho semanas, así que lo dejamos para el quince de noviembre.
Quiero un filete de cordero o de venado. Patatas asadas con mantequilla dulce. Mazorcas de maíz. Panecillos. Y una tarta de manzana, como la que preparaste la otra vez. Me gustó muchísimo. La quiero con helado.
Me debes una cena desnuda, pero no soy un completo animal, por lo que puedes llevar sujetador y braguitas si lo deseas. Las azules con lazo me encantan.
Señor de las Bestias de Atlanta "

Ilona Andrews , Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)

137 " I know what the problem is.” Curran pulled his shoulders back and flexed, warming up a little. I stole a glance. He had decided to fight in jeans and an old black T-shirt, from which he’d torn the sleeves. Probably his workout shirt.
His biceps were carved, the muscle defined and built by countless exertions, neither too bulky nor too lean. Perfect. Kissing him might make me guilty of catastrophically bad judgment, but at least nobody could fault my taste. The trick was not to kiss him again. Once could be an accident; twice was trouble.
“You said something?” I arched an eyebrow at him. Nonchalance—best camouflage for drooling. Both the werebison and the swordsman looked ready to charge: the muscles of their legs tense, leaning forward slightly on their toes. They seemed to be terribly sure that we would stay in one place and wait for them.
Curran was looking at their legs, too. They must be expecting a distraction from the lamia. She sat cocooned in magic, holding on with both hands as it strained on its leash.
“I said, I know why you’re afraid to fight with me.”
“And why is that?” If he flexed again, I’d have to implement emergency measures. Maybe I could kick some sand at him or something. Hard to look hot brushing sand out of your eyes.
“You want me.”
Oh boy.
“You can’t resist my subtle charm, so you’re afraid you’re going to make a spectacle out of yourself.”
“You know what? Don’t talk to me. "

Ilona Andrews , Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)