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62 " ...DAMNATION!'

No device of the printer's art, not even capital letters, can indicate the intensity of that shriek of rage. Emerson is known to his Egyptian workers by the admiring sobriquet of Father of Curses. The volume as well as the content of his remarks earned him the title; but this shout was extraordinary even by Emerson's standards, so much so that the cat Bastet, who had become more or less accustomed to him, started violently, and fell with a splash into the bathtub.

The scene that followed is best not described in detail. My efforts to rescue the thrashing feline were met with hysterical resistance; water surged over the edge of the tub and onto the floor; Emerson rushed to the rescue; Bastet emerged in one mighty leap, like a whale broaching, and fled -- cursing, spitting, and streaming water. She and Emerson met in the doorway of the bathroom.

The ensuing silence was broken by the quavering voice of the safragi, the servant on duty outside our room, inquiring if we required his assistance. Emerson, seated on the floor in a puddle of soapy water, took a long breath. Two of the buttons popped off his shirt and splashed into the water. In a voice of exquisite calm he reassured the servant, and then transferred his bulging stare to me.

I trust you are not injured, Peabody. Those scratches...'

The bleeding has almost stopped, Emerson. It was not Bastet's fault.'

It was mine, I suppose,' Emerson said mildly.

Now, my dear, I did not say that. Are you going to get up from the floor?'

No,' said Emerson.

He was still holding the newspaper. Slowly and deliberately he separated the soggy pages, searching for the item that had occasioned his outburst. In the silence I heard Bastet, who had retreated under the bed, carrying on a mumbling, profane monologue. (If you ask how I knew it was profane, I presume you have never owned a cat.) "

Elizabeth Peters , The Deeds of the Disturber (Amelia Peabody, #5)

67 " A great music Download may be the digital transfer associated with music online in to a good device in a position to decoding along with playing it, these types of being a home computer, MP3 player or perhaps Smart Phone. your term encompasses both legal downloads as well as downloads involving copyright material without having permission or even legal payment. Based on an Nielsen report, downloadable music accounted intended for 55.9% involving just about all music sales in the you in 2012. Just as of January 2011, Apple's iTunes shop alone created $1.1 billion regarding earnings at the primary quarter involving the fiscal year.Popular on the web music shops The item sell downloadable singles along with albums include your own iTunes Store,mirchi-fun.com. Paid downloads are usually sometimes encoded inside Digital Rights Management That restricts copying your own music or perhaps playing obtained songs at certain digital audio players. these are almost always compressed using a lousy codec which reduces file size as well as bandwidth requirements. these music resources may be formulated like a answer to be able to expanding technology along with Specifications involving customers That wanted easy, effortless entry to help music. it is corporation devices respond towards " download revolution" through generating legal providers attractive regarding users.Even legal music downloads have faced a number of challenges via artists, Record labels along with the working Industry Association regarding America. within July 2007, ones Universal Music Group decided not in order to renew their long-term contracts throughout iTunes. the actual decision are primarily based on your issue connected with pricing connected with songs, As Universal wanted in order to charge further or perhaps less relying towards the artist, an shift away by mirchi-fun.com' standard—at your time—99 cents per song pricing. numerous industry leaders \'m It This can be lone your current first associated with numerous show-downs between Apple Inc. along with the several Sign labels Some artists offer downloading the songs by it is websites or maybe the online music store, often as a short preview or low-quality sample. for example, iTunes will allow listening to a short preview of your song to listen for you to This sooner buying. the particular replaces listening to music throughout a good shop before purchase. Others embed services inside the sites That handle one or album purchases.According to be able to research by the site Torrent Freak, 38% associated with Swedish artists support file share downloading in addition to claim This The item helps artists throughout early task stages. the Swedish rock group Lamont features profited coming from file sharing. "

68 " Known as “Leni,” Helene Bertha Amalie Riefenstahl was born on August 22, 1902. During the Third Reich she was known throughout Germany as a close friend and confidant of the Adolf Hitler. Recognized as a strong swimmer and talented artist, she studied dancing as a child and performed across Europe until an injury ended her dancing career. During the 1920’s Riefenstahl was inspired to become an actress and starred in five motion pictures produced in Germany. By 1932 she directed her own film “Das Blaue Licht.”
With the advent of the Hitler era she directed “Triumph des Willens” anf “Olympia” which became recognized as the most innovative and effective propaganda films ever made. Many people who knew of her relationship with Hitler insisted that they had an affair, although she persistently denied this. However, her relationship with Adolf Hitler tarnished her reputation and haunted her after the war. She was arrested and charged with being a Nazi sympathizer, but it was never proven that she was involved with any war crimes. Convinced that she had been infatuated and involved with the Führer, her reputation and career became totally destroyed. Her former friends shunned her and her brother, who was her last remaining relative, was killed in action on the “Eastern Front.” Seeing a bleak future “Leni” Riefenstahl left Germany, to live amongst the Nuba people in Africa.
During this time Riefenstahl met and began a close friendship with Horst Kettner, who assisted her with her acknowledged brilliant photography. They became an item from the time she was 60 years old and he was 20. Together they wrote and produced photo books about the Nuba tribes and later filmed marine life. At that time she was one of the world's oldest scuba divers and underwater photographer.
Leni Riefenstahl died of cancer on September 8, 2003 at her home in Pöcking, Germany and was laid to rest at the Munich Waldfriedhof. "

Hank Bracker

72 " Bucket had started his criminal career in Braas, not far from when Allan and his new friends now found themselves. There he had gotten together with some like-minded peers and started the motorcycle club called The Violence. Bucket was the leader; he decided which newsstand was to be robbed of cigarettes next. He was the one who has chosen the name- The Violence, in English, not swedish. And he was the one who unfortunately asked his girlfriend Isabella to sew the name of the motorcycle club onto ten newly stolen leather jackets. Isabella had never really learned to spell properly at school, not in Swedish, and certainly not in English.The result was that Isabella sewed The Violins on the jackets instead. As the rest of the club members had had similar academic success, nobody in the group noticed the mistake. So everyone was very surprised when one day a letter arrived for The Violins in Braas from the people in charge of the concert hall in Vaxjo. The letter suggested that, since the club obviously concerned itself with classical music, they might like to put in am appearance at a concert with the city’s prestigious chamber orchestra, Musica Viate.Bucket felt provoked; somebody was clearly making fun of him. One night he skipped the newsstand, and instead went into Vaxjo to throw a brick through the glass door of the concert hall. This was intended to teach the people responsible lesson in respect. It all went well, except that Bucket’s leather glove happened to follow the stone into the lobby. Since the alarm went off immediately, Bucket felt it would be unwise to try to retrieve the personal item in question.Losing the glove was not good. Bucket had traveled to Vaxjo by motorbike and one hand was extremely cold all the way home to Braas that night. Even worse was the fact that Bucket’s luckless girlfriend had written Bucket’s name and adress inside the glove, in case he lost it." For more quotes from the novel visit my blog: frommybooks.wordpress.com "