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fruits  QUOTES

79 " THE ORGANIC FOODS MYTHA few decades ago, a woman tried to sue a butter company that had printed the word 'LITE' on its product's packaging. She claimed to have gained so much weight from eating the butter, even though it was labeled as being 'LITE'. In court, the lawyer representing the butter company simply held up the container of butter and said to the judge, " My client did not lie. The container is indeed 'light in weight'. The woman lost the case.In a marketing class in college, we were assigned this case study to show us that 'puffery' is legal. This means that you can deceptively use words with double meanings to sell a product, even though they could mislead customers into thinking your words mean something different. I am using this example to touch upon the myth of organic foods. If I was a lawyer representing a company that had labeled its oranges as being organic, and a man was suing my client because he found out that the oranges were being sprayed with toxins, my defense opening statement would be very simple: " If it's not plastic or metallic, it's organic." Most products labeled as being organic are not really organic. This is the truth. You pay premium prices for products you think are grown without chemicals, but most products are. If an apple is labeled as being organic, it could mean two things. Either the apple tree itself is free from chemicals, or just the soil. One or the other, but rarely both. The truth is, the word 'organic' can mean many things, and taking a farmer to court would be difficult if you found out his fruits were indeed sprayed with pesticides. After all, all organisms on earth are scientifically labeled as being organic, unless they are made of plastic or metal. The word 'organic' comes from the word 'organism', meaning something that is, or once was, living and breathing air, water and sunlight.So, the next time you stroll through your local supermarket and see brown pears that are labeled as being organic, know that they could have been third-rate fare sourced from the last day of a weekend market, and have been re-labeled to be sold to a gullible crowd for a premium price. I have a friend who thinks that organic foods have to look beat up and deformed because the use of chemicals is what makes them look perfect and flawless. This is not true. Chemical-free foods can look perfect if grown in your backyard. If you go to jungles or forests untouched by man, you will see fruit and vegetables that look like they sprouted from trees from Heaven. So be cautious the next time you buy anything labeled as 'organic'. Unless you personally know the farmer or the company selling the products, don't trust what you read. You, me, and everything on land and sea are organic.Suzy Kassem,Truth Is Crying "

80 " Think of the end when you begin! Though the end may not be all that certain, you are sure of getting something, mostly and surprisingly, above the target in the end! Bind yourself to Persistence and tenacity, courage and vigor, Wisdom and faith, and dare unrelentingly! Sometimes it is never okay to feel okay at all. Some shall continue to feel okay until they meet what would tell them what they could have done whilst feeling okay! So it was in the days of the Fig tree. It thought portraying its flourishing leaves would have pleased Jesus Christ but Jesus needed a fruit! We are all having flourishing leaves (life,) but think of the fruits we must bear (living) when it is time to bear them, in season and out of season! May enough be enough and when you feel you have had enough, may you be pushed by enough to go beyond enough and dare to live a distinctive footprint! It all begins with a step and ends with a step! Start your day with vigor and an utmost tenacity and end your day with something! Be poised to do something distinctive each day for that is all life is about! Life is an adventurous journey and you cannot forever skip mistakes but if you make a mistake, learn from the mistake, do something with the mistake and avoid that mistake happening again and you least did made a mistake! You only took a different root than the usual to your final destination. The meaning we have given to words is what makes words have meaning! Breathe whilst you have breath and do something with the air you breathe whilst you have breath! "