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Tammy Morea

I am a Young Adult Author, My first Novel August Moon will be released in late spring 2014. Besides writing I love to read Romance, YA, ChicLit, Fantasy, Paranormal and a good auto biography never hurt anyone. My other greatest passion is animals, I love them all, but I have a weakness for dogs, I wish I could save every single one that needs saving. I have a dog Tank, he’s my heart and he’s a big… mush, I bite his face all day long and he lets me. I also love mini pigs, one day I will have one. My fiancé Chris doesn’t think so, but what does he know. I think I’m an amateur photographer, but really I just like to take pictures and sometimes they come out really good. I love Riding on the back of Chris’s Harley, it’s my favorite form of transportation. I’m obsessed with the Twilight Saga, those books literally changed my life. Tattoos are sexy, I have seven. I pretty much love anything with a skull on it. My thumb is very green, just ask my air plants. I can cook my ass off, just ask Chris. I enjoy being active in all different ways- hiking, biking, camping, taking Tank for a 3 mile walk, working out or sitting on the couch all day catching up on my DVR recordings. I love to dress up and wear make up and accessories (I have a ring addiction, that I think I might need some counseling for) and heels, but I can get dirty on a camping trip or hang out in my sweats and a tee all day, I will even walk Tank in Pj’s with no make -up on(yep, you heard me, Pj’s, no make up- outside in public) I come from a big crazy Italian family and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And just because I want to give her props, I think Marilyn Monroe is the sexiest, hottest, bad-ass bitch in the history of bitches ( bitches meaning all us girls.)

the Works of Tammy Morea