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Angelica Hopes

Angelica Hopes is the author of the books:

1. Rhythm of a Heart, Music of a Soul
2. Landscapes of a Heart, Whispers of a Soul
3. Life Issues
4. Behavioural Haiku
5. Calunniatopia
6 Sfidatopia
7. Onestopia
8. Life Unfolds

A Swiss Filipino born literary novelist, author, aphorist, essayist, memoirist, literary, poetess, English-Italian translator, a polyglot nutritarian & travel enthusiast, lovingly committed to her husband, and mother of three daughters.

She studied creative writing at the Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford. She is a freelance writer who wrote life issues articles for Rappler and the Filipino Expat Magazine, was quoted in TIME for her article on dealing with death, loss, and grief, a Romance Writers of America novelist, a member of SheWrites and Women Writers Women's books group and a literary novelist, a supporter of Free Press Unlimited, Writers Unlimited in The Hague and Freedom Book Fair/The Hague Peace Projects, and Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy.

She did various tasks in life: flights dispatcher and flights coordinator of Citation X and Hawker 800XP private jets, research analyst in the agricultural sector of Land Bank of the Philippines, loans and credit analyst in the banking sector of Land Bank of the Philippines, translator and legal assistant in a big law firm in canton Tessin, Switzerland, shipping insurance employee, a former aviation PPL student, a piano and English teacher, pursued International Law studies at The Hague Academy of International Law and an Italian-English translator.

She loves to travel and learn foreign languages. She is currently working on both fiction and non fiction multiple genre: inspirational political trilogy, psychological, romantic suspense trilogy, criminal suspense trilogy, a pentalogy, ghost writing memoirs, and translating manuscripts from Italian to English.

the Works of Angelica Hopes