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Brenda C. Mohammed

From Banker to Author – Who would have imagined that a harrowing diagnosis of cancer could change your career and open up a whole new world?
Author Brenda Mohammed did not choose writing as her career.
It happened by chance.
Her writing journey began after her bout with cancer which almost killed her.
Miraculously, she survived after flying to Miami for treatment.
She wrote the book I AM CANCER FREE eight years after her near-death experience, and it became a best seller.
The book won an award in Readers Favorite International in 2018 in the category Health and Fitness.
Thereafter, she continued writing, and to date, has published 49 books in multi-genres. She won several literary awards in the USA, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, India, Romania, Argentina, Ukraine, Morocco, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Barcelona, France, Switzerland, Italy, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the UK.
Her genres include memoirs, science fiction, romance, self-help, mystery, children’s books, psychological thrillers, Christian books, poetry, and poetry anthologies.
Her fiction stories are filled with humor, mystery, and suspense, with mostly happy endings. The memoirs of her Life as a Banker and her travels are delightful.
Brenda’s Christian books are for end times.
She lives in Trinidad and Tobago with her husband and children. When not writing, she is travelling.
Brenda loves to share her knowledge and wrote two books on How to Write for Success for new and aspiring authors.
She is an advocate for Peace, Suicide Prevention, and Against Domestic Violence. With several authors from her Facebook forum she published five anthologies for those purposes, and three magazines.
if you are an aspiring writer, you are welcome to join her Facebook Literary Forum – How to Write for Success Literary Network.

the Works of Brenda C. Mohammed