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Brenda C. Mohammed QUOTES

[My composition in my book Travel Memoirs with Pictures]

My very first trip I still cannot believe
Was planned and executed with such great ease.
My father, an Inspector of Schools, was such a strict man,
He gave in to my wishes when I told him of the plan.

I got my first long vacation while working as a banker
One of my co-workers wanted a travelling partner.
She visited my father and discussed the matter
Arrangements were made without any flutter.

We travelled to New York, Toronto, London, and Germany,
In each of those places, there was somebody,
To guide and protect us and to take us wonderful places,
It was a dream come true at our young ages.

We even visited Holland, which was across the Border.
To drive across from Germany was quite in order.
Memories of great times continue to linger,
I thank God for an understanding father.

That trip in 1968 was the beginning of much more,
I visited many countries afterward I am still in awe.
Barbados, Tobago, St. Maarten, and Buffalo,
Cirencester in the United Kingdom, Miami, and Orlando.

I was accompanied by my husband on many trips.
Sisters, nieces, children, grandchildren, and friends, travelled with me a bit.
Puerto Rico, Los Angeles, New York, and Hialeah,
Curacao, Caracas, Margarita, Virginia, and Anguilla.

We sailed aboard the Creole Queen
On the Mississippi in New Orleans
We traversed the Rockies in Colorado
And walked the streets in Cozumel, Mexico.

We were thrilled to visit the Vatican in Rome,
The Trevi Fountain and the Colosseum.
To explore the countryside in Florence,
And to sail on a Gondola in Venice.

My fridge is decorated with magnets
Souvenirs of all my visits
London, Madrid, Bahamas, Coco Cay, Barcelona.
And the Leaning Tower of Pisa

How can I forget the Spanish Steps in Rome?
Stratford upon Avon, where Shakespeare was born.
CN Tower in Toronto so very high
I thought the elevator would take me to the sky.

Then there was El Poble and Toledo
Noted for Spanish Gold
We travelled on the Euro star.
The scenery was beautiful to behold!

I must not omit Cartagena in Columbia,
Anaheim, Las Vegas, and Catalina,
Key West, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, and Pembroke Pines,
Places I love to lime.

Of course, I would like to make special mention,
Of two exciting cruises with Royal Caribbean.
Majesty of the Seas and Liberty of the Seas
Two ships which grace the Seas.

Last but not least and best of all
We visited Paris in the fall.
Cologne, Dusseldorf, and Berlin
Amazing places, which made my head, spin.

Copyright@BrendaMohammed "

Brenda C. Mohammed , Travel Memoirs with Pictures

4 " This is my very own Composition in Poems in my publication YOUR TIME IS NOW.


Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which he was unable to cipher,
A statue with a head made of fine gold, with chest and arms of silver.
Belly and thighs of bronze, and legs of iron displayed,
Its feet combined of iron and clay had Nebuchadnezzar amazed.

A mighty rock smashed the statue’s feet causing it to sway
And after shattering it to bits the wind blew the bits away.
The rock covered the earth and Nebuchadnezzar awoke
He pondered on this dream and his thoughts were provoked.

Magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers were consulted.
But all scratched their heads and Nebuchadnezzar felt insulted.

Because the meaning of this dream was beyond their imagination
And Nebuchadnezzar felt mad and ordered their execution.

But Daniel a captive from Judah offered an explanation,
That brought Nebuchadnezzar great jubilation.
Daniel said that Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold
His kingdom was strong and he would be bold.

But after his kingdom had reached its end.
An inferior one would rule again.
And yet another would rise after the second had fallen.
A kingdom of bronze would be the third to have risen.

Following that kingdom there would be a fourth, strong as iron,
That kingdom would crush previous empires.
It would be divided however as clay and iron cannot mix,
But the kingdom of God would rise in its midst.

The kingdom of God will be as solid as a rock.
No one can crush it, whoever tries will be out of luck.
The dream was true and its meaning was certain.
The kingdom of God would stand forever unending "

Brenda C. Mohammed