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Cliff Fictor

About the Author
Cliff Fictor is a pen name invented by the author’s son. When he was a toddler, the son couldn’t say forklift, one of the many motorized vehicles that fascinated him at the time.
“Don’t you mean fork lifter?” the father asked.
“Clifficter,” the son responded with confidence.
You may understand that a name created by a child should be used in books written for children.
Cliff Fictor is a dad who loves monster trucks and children. He enjoys giving children rides in Minimonstertruck’s train as well as driving in parades. As a dad Cliff spent many hours in the desert of Arizona teaching his children about nature and how to drive many different types of vehicles safely. Cliff enjoys teaching through his books as well as in person book readings and public appearances. You can book a visit and book signing appearance through our website www.minimonstertruck.com. We’ll even bring the truck!
Now that his children are grown, Cliff misses that special time when they were young with proportionately large eyes filled with wonder (the eye supposedly is the only human body part that remains the same size from birth). Although he longs for grandchildren to gift his life someday, he has the great fortune of a customer base that is forever young and a monster truck that puts smiles on the faces of adults as well as children. What’s not to like about that?

the Works of Cliff Fictor