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Andreas Steinhöfel

Born in 1962 in Battenberg, Germany, Steinhöfel now works as a translator and reviewer and writes screenplays. First and foremost, though, he is the other of numerous children's and young adult books awarded with various literature prizes. His bestseller "The Center of the World" had been nominated for the well-known and prestigious Germand Youth Literature Prize and has been published in numerous countries worldwide.

Steinhöfel has been awarded the Erich Kästner Prize in 2009, after Peter Rühmkorf, Loriot, Robert Gernhardt, and Tomi Ungerer. In the same year, he has also been awarded several literature prizes for his works "Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten", including the German Youth Literature Prize, the Catholic Childrens' and Youth Literature Prize as well as the "Lesekünstler 2009" award by the Börsenverein Deutscher Buchhandel.

the Works of Andreas Steinhöfel