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James  Tunney

My book Empire of Scientism was published in April 2021. This short book or pamphlet argues that we will soon be living in a tyrannous scientocracy. This was followed by TechBondAge which examines the emerging Empire-slave relationship. The third book is Human Entrance to Transhumanism which criticises the phenomenon through the motif of magic. I am currently working on the fourth book of this series.

My professional background is law. I left the academic legal world to paint and write. I have since written novels about conspiracy and a dystopian future. In addition, I wrote two books as part of a series on mysticism and spiritual consciousness. Both include poetry.

My creative work is driven by a desire to explore the role of the individual human person as a spiritual being in a world of increasing technological control. All my books are linked by a strong belief in the power of individual spiritual consciousness of the person and the necessity to activate and actualise it. The tension is between the need for spiritual evolution and the smothering effects of the technosphere.

To hear me talk about subjects related to my books, please visit the interview section on my website or New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel.

Note that all my books are linked to my author profile here or on Amazon. I do not have a Facebook or Instagram presence but you are very welcome to visit my website.

the Works of James Tunney