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Don Dupay

Don DuPay has lived in Portland, Oregon for over seventy years. He graduated from Grant High school in 1954 with honors, and attended Lewis and Clark College for two years after high school, finally graduating from Portland State University in 2017 - the oldest graduate that year and mentioned in the PSU Program. He worked as a street cop from 1961-1967 for the Portland Police Bureau, before being promoted to detective where he worked in the Safe Detail, Morals, Burlgarly and then finally the Homicide detail until 1978, at which time he resigned under a doctors orders for health reasons.

DuPay has written editorials and commentaries for several Oregon newspapers and is the author of two books, Behind the Badge in River City: A Portland Police Memoir, 2015, and Frank’s Revenge: Albina After Dark, 2019. He spends his days and nights with his wife, Theresa Griffin Kennedy, who is an author, poet and editor of Oregon Greystone Press, and their two small dogs Moby and Little Jack. DuPay continues to write and be published while enjoying life in Portland, Oregon.

the Works of Don Dupay