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Ruth Padel

Ruth is a British poet and writer. Her most recent book The Mara Crossing is a mixed-genre meditation on migration, prose and poetry. She has published eight poetry collections, a novel, and eight books of non-fiction, including three on reading poetry. She also presents Radio 4′s Poetry Workshop, visiting poetry groups across the UK to discuss their poems.

Her awards include First Prize in the UK National Poetry Competition, a Cholmondeley Award from The Society of Authors, an Arts Council of England Writers’ Award and a British Council Darwin Now Research Award for her novel Where the Serpent Lives.

Ruth lives in London and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a Member of the Bombay Natural History Society, an Ambassador for New Networks for Nature, a Patron of 21st-Century Tiger and a Council Member of the Zoological Society of London.

the Works of Ruth Padel