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Tracie Daily

You can follow me on Instagram: @Tracie_rose_Daily
Remember to tag me and use the hashtag #TracieDailybooks

I live in Kent with my wife, two children and two cockateils. I couldn't be happier.

My Books.

Tracie's story had to be written. The truth of my mother's death had to be told no matter what the cost. It wasn't something I just couldn't do.

Checkmate was the second instalment. Imagine a black howling cat just as you try and fall asleep. Before the curtains come down that cat begins to howl. I had no choice in either of these books. They are my past and needed to be written.

Poetry For Mum - A selection of my self work and poems.

Mentality - A book for men.
Some things should be spoken about. Yes this book is about me, but more importantly, it's about you. How did I go from that mute kid in foster care to the man I am today? How can you overcome difficulties? What does fear actually do when you look it square in the face?

Find out in Mentality - A book for men.

All of these books had their own voice. The voice of me as a child and as a young adult and later a married man and father.

They all had the voice from my past.

I am pleased to announce the voice of my future.

The Tales of Tom Orrow. - Out soon.

Tracie Daily.

the Works of Tracie Daily