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Tong Hua

Associated Names:
* Tong Hua
* 桐华
* 桐華
* Đồng Hoa (Vietnamese)
* ถงหัว (Thai)

桐华,原名任海燕子,中国言情小说作家、影视制作人、词作者。中国文坛言情小说“四小天后”之一,被封为“燃情天后”。毕业于北京大学。2005年从中国到达美国,创作第一部小说《步步惊心》在网站连载,2006年正式出版。2011年凭借《步步惊心》改编影视剧名声大噪。 其小说《云中歌》《大漠谣》《最美的时光》等被陆续改编成影视。 2013年,桐华参与策划电视剧《金玉良缘》、 《抓住彩虹的男人》。

Ren Haiyan, known by her pen name Tong Hua or Zhang Xiao San, was born in 1982. She is one of the most famous contemporary romance novelists in China.

She graduated from Peking University and came to America in 2005. She currently lives in New York. In 2013, Hua co-wrote the television series Perfect Couple, which is currently in production.

(来源: 百度百科)
(source: wiki)

the Works of Tong Hua