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Harry Edgar Palacio

Harry Edgar Palacio born May 24, 1979 (He/Him) is an award winning Dominican-Colombian author of Cuban and Turkish descent, published fine artist; whose shown at several solo gallery exhibits in New York (including SVA School of Visual Arts) and offered to participate in solo gallery exhibits in Dominican Republic, collaboration exhibit in England, and musician (Oregon Kool-aid)/ also performed alongside Grammy winners and Grammy nominated musicians. Can be found on Itunes, Spotify, Youtube, Tidal. Performed with Ari Up (The Slits), Deepak KC (Albatross)- one of the most famous Nepali Rock bands in the Country, Guruji and direct disciple of Osho, and DREWKABOOM. He has been accepted to be published in Rigorous, Punt Volat, Allegory Ridge, Mignolo Arts, Persona Land, In Parentheses, Ice Colony Anthology, Apiary, Storm Cellar, Tule Review, Coffin Bell, Landlocked Magazine, Mortal Mag, Kallisto Gaia Press, Untenured, Wingless Dreamer, The Closed Eye Open, and elsewhere. His chapbook and debut book were both released by (Finishing Line Press) Ambrosia (2019) and Sutras of Tiny Jazz (2021). He obtained a Master's in Education from Manhattanville College and is a The New School University Alumni. Harry worked as an assistant director of a social justice center, an International Yoga Teacher, and as an art teacher in the Dominican Republic. Philosopher and world traveler. He is a BIPOC music journalist living with schizoaffective disorder.

the Works of Harry Edgar Palacio