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Bianca Pitzorno

Born in 1942, she's an Italian writer and screenwriter specialized in children literature.

She graduated in Classic Literature, with a thesis on Prehistoric Archeology. For seven years she worked as a responsible for cultural children’s television programmes for the Italian public television (RAI). She also worked as an archeologist, theatre writer, screenwriter, lyricist and teacher.

From 1970 to 2011 she published many assays and novels, for both kids and adults, translated in many countries all over Europe, America and Asia. She translated Tolkien, Sylvia Plath, David Grossman, Enrique Perez Diaz, Töve Jansson, Soledad Cruz Guerra e Mariela Castro Espìn.

She lives in Milan. She doesn’t love traveling but visits Cuba often and collaborates with the local cultural institutions.
Since 2004 she stopped writing for younger readers, concentrating only on adult books.
Her most popular works are: La bambina col falcone 1982; Vita di Eleonora d'Arborea, 1984 e 2010; Ascolta il mio cuore, 1991; Tornatras, 2000; La bambinaia francese, 2004; GIUNI RUSSO, da Un'Estate al Mare al Carmelo, 2009. La vita sessuale dei nostri antenati (spiegata a mia cugina Lauretta che vuol credersi nata per partenogenesi) 2015.

the Works of Bianca Pitzorno