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Amanda Sledz

Amanda Sledz considered writing this in third person, before electing to avoid any pronouns that could further confuse identity.

This is what I do: Observe. Record. Float. Report back to Avalon. Apologize. Lie. Count. Caffeinate. Observe. Observe. Record. Purr.

My first book, PSYCHOPOMP VOLUME ONE: CRACKED PLATE, is available in Portland at In Other Words, Powell's City of Books, Powell's on Hawthorne, and Broadway Books. It's also available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, at the IPRC's library, and at your library if you bug your librarian enough. Paperback and hardcover, and soon enough in ebook format.

I'm currently at work on Psychopomp's sequel, ALL OF US ARE HIDING, which will be released once 1000 copies of the first volume are sold. In the meantime, I'm putting the finishing touches on a collection called CHANNEL INSOMNIA.

I also enjoy detecting earthquakes, real or imagined, and noting the dialogue between trees. Cats. Alien-like humans. Every head and house has a haunting. Methinks the entity is me.

the Works of Amanda Sledz