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D.S. Wrights

D.S. “Dee” Wrights was born 29th March 1980 in Germany. Her name is a pen name, and she describes writing as her passion and calling. Dee speaks three languages fluently, English, German and Dutch, and some other rudimentary.
Although she started writing at an early age and two short stories were published during high school, one as a school project and one in a regional newsletter – Dee never dared of thinking to pursue a writing career. Until she started writing fanfiction and readers encouraged her to publish The Beast And Me as an ebook in May 2014.
Dee worked at a publishing house at which she earned insight into the work, process, and production of publishing books. That was the reason why she chose to do all the work herself, apart from proofreading.
When talking about her novels, Dee explains that she loves to dive into the mindset of different characters, especially those of villains and anti-heroes. However, in addition to that, she enjoys writing women who start off as weak and grow through their experiences in her books and end up being their own hero.

The question "Why do you want to be my friend?" is meant seriously. If you have more friends than books, or your answer doesn't tell me anything, I most likely won't accept the request.

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the Works of D.S. Wrights