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Serina Hartwell

Did you ever have an itch you couldn’t scratch, a feeling that you’re supposed to be doing something else, something bigger with your life? Something that would touch the souls of the rest of mankind and justify your place amongst our fellow men, but you just couldn’t put your finger on what? Well Serina Hartwell spent the best part of 40 years looking for the answer and low and behold, she finished up back where she started, with writing. She sometimes questions why she didn’t just turn in the opposite direction, it would have led her there straight away, but her path led her away from writing when she was just a teenager, because of a lacked of confidence to pursue her dream. Reminiscing one day, the thought occurred to her that if she had found writing back then, she wouldn’t have taken the journeys that led her to write The Hidden Saga.

Her name is Serina Hartwell. She is the mother of two wonderful children, who grew up when she blinked. She is from an average size town in West Yorkshire, England; the same place the Bronte sisters were born, and is from the village in the mill town she wrote about.

Growing up in an industrial town, and coming from a working class background, Serina Hartwell was surrounded by the mills, which were once the life blood of the community. Decrepit and falling into disrepair, they shadowed the place where she lived, serving as a reminder that her town once thrived. She watched as one by one, the mills went out of business and closed, serving to inspire her story, while changing the landscape around her.

Her mother worked in the mills when she was a child. She recalled every night, her father taking her brother and her to the mill to collect their mother and walking home over the lonely beck-side. These trips along the shortcut are embedded throughout Hidden, as her childish imagination finally materialised on the page.

It was only recently that she found her way back to writing. ‘It’s funny how life has a way of bringing you full circle. Today I have the beginnings of something big within my grasp,’ she was quoted as saying.

Follow her journey to becoming an established author. Step into her world and let her take you on a journey...

You can find out more about Serina Hartwell @ http://www.serinahartwell.com/ and http://serinahartwell.info/

the Works of Serina Hartwell