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191 " The door opened. We all froze.
“Mom, this isn’t what it looks like.” Mom put her hand on her hip.
“It looks like a group of boys wrestling on the floor of your bedroom while you watch. Wearing a towel.”
“Okay,” I admitted, “it is what it looks like, but it’s not—”
“Sexual?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Mom!” Luna stuck her head under Mom’s arm and sucked in a breath. “She’s gone from a love triangle to a kinky sex pentagon.”
Blake lifted his head. “Vote for Team Blake!”
Mom rolled her eyes. “Boys, vacate. Now. Aurora get dressed. And everybody head downstairs. Breakfast is on. I made quiche. There’s plenty for all.”
“First edible breakfast in weeks,” Luna said.
Blake smacked his lips. “Yum!” Mom checked behind the door.
“Ayden’s not here, is he?” I shook my head. “Then there’s no lust factor. Although, your father may not be as easy going as I am. So, gentlemen, get out.” 
As she left, Mom dragged Luna away with her. Blake shook off the other boys and stood. “That’s offensive. I’m a very lustful guy.”
“And a big blabbermouth.” Logan whacked the back of Blake’s head.
“But remember you can’t tell—”
“Ayden!” Blake shouted.
“Right,” Tristan said, “or —”
“No, it’s…” Wide-eyed, Blake jerked his chin toward my door.

Our heads swiveled. Ayden filled the doorway, leaning against the frame, arms folded. “What can’t you tell me?” He arched one eyebrow awaiting a reply. The silence seemed ready to explode. Ayden zeroed in on Blake. “Come on, Weak Link, give it up.”
Blake blurted out, “Jayden was in the shower with Aurora!” 
I choked. “What!”
“You idiot!” Logan thumped Blake repeatedly.
“Technically, that’s true.” Jayden said.
“But only once.” Ayden’s arms dropped. Along with his jaw. Tristan jumped up and shoved Jayden’s shoulder.
“Shut up!”
I tugged the towel tighter. “Ayden, that didn’t happen. Exactly. Guys, he already knows the Divinicus thing.”
“Oh, good.” Blake was relieved.
“Secrets? Not my thing.”
“No kidding,” I said.
“You told Blake before me?” Ayden said. “Unbelievable.”
Blake raised his brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?" I held up my hand.
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Oh, my God! Why are you in a towel?”

A & E Kirk (2014-05-26). Drop Dead Demons: The Divinicus Nex Chronicles: Book 2 (Divinicus Nex Chronicles series) (pp. 466-467). A&E Kirk. Kindle Edition. "

A. Kirk