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Jayita Bhattacharjee QUOTES

66 " The Broken Beauty
I see compassion in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What agony has taught you such tenderness?
I see kindness in your soul,
And I wonder,
What grief has taught you such gentleness?

I see light in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What suffering has broken into light?
I see wholeness rising in your heart,
And I wonder,
What brokenness has taught you such healing in life?

I see smiles blooming in your face,
And I wonder,
What bruise has brought you such beauty?
I smell fragrance of your soul.
And I wonder,
What murk has taught you to unfold?

I see kindness in your face,
And I wonder,
What severity has taught you such softness?
I see gratitude lighting your cheeks,
And I wonder,
What loss has taught you such humbleness?

I sense peace in your soul,
And I wonder,
What struggles have taught you to surrender?
I see shimmer in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What darkness has brought you to such light?

I sense peace in your heart,
And I wonder,
What defeat has taught you such a submission?
I see humility in your face,
And I wonder,
What trials have taught you such a gratitude?

I sense freedom in your breath,
And I wonder,
What restraint has brought such a release?
I see soaring of your wings,
And I wonder,
What confinement has taught you to fly in sky?

I see the ocean in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What grief has brought such an oceanic vastness?
I hear the splashing in your laughter,
And I wonder,
What sorrow has brought this dancing madness?

I hear the brook babbling in your heart,
And I wonder,
What moss was gathered on the way that taught you to flow again?
I sense the delight in your soul,
And I wonder,
What sadness came with such wisdom, to release the running river again?

I see stars in your eyes,
And I wonder,
What darkness has given rise to the galaxy in you?
I see the sun rising in your soul,
And I wonder,
What night has brought such a glory in rise?

.....Jayita Bhattacharjee
Copyright 2019
Jayita Bhattacharjee "

Jayita Bhattacharjee

68 " The Poetry that Searches

Poetry that paints a portrait in words,
Poetry that spills the bottled emotions,
Gives life to the feelings deep inside,
Breaks through all the times wept,
To sweep you in a whirling ecstatic delight.

The chiseled marble of language,
The paint spattered canvas,
Where colors flow through words,
Where emotions roll on a canvas,
And it all begins with you.

The canvas that portrays the trembling you,
Through the feelings that splash,
Through the words that spatter,
All over the awaiting canvas.
Such is the painting sketched with passion,
Colored with the heart's unleashed emotions.

The poetry that reads your trembling heart,
The poetry that feeds the seed of your dreams,
That poetry that reveals light within rain,
Takes you to a place where beauty lies in stain.
The poetry that whispers-
"May you find the stars, in a night so dark,
May you find the moon, so rich with silver,
May you sip the madness and delight
In a night berserk with a wailing agony".
Such words that arise from spilling emotions,
So recklessly you fall, in love with life again.

So, you rise shedding your fears,
To chase after your dreams,
As you hear thunder in the rain,
That carries your pain,
Through the painting of words, colored with courage,
Splashed with ferocity, amidst the lost battles.
Such is the richest color splash in words,
Laid down on papers, that stayed so empty,
For ages and ages.

At times, you may feel lost,
Wandering homeless in the woods,
But poetry that you write,
To drink the moonlight and madness,
Poetry that you spill on a canvas with words,
Calls you to fall, for life again.

The words that evoke the intense emotions,
The painting that gives the richest revelation,
The insight that deepens in a light so streaming,
Is the poetry that reveals the truth and beauty,
In a form so elemental, in a way so searching,
For a beauty so emotive,
Which trembles,
With the poetry's deepest digging.

The words that take your eyes to sleep,
The poetry that stills your raging feelings,
Is the portrait of words that carries you,
In emotions bottled within, held so deep,
For an era so long.
Forgotten they seemed, yet they arose,
With the word's deepest calling,
To the soul sleeping inside.
The poetry that traces your emotions with words,
Is a poetry that traces your soul with its lips,
To speak a language that your heart understands.

The Ecstatic Dance of Soul
Copyright 2020
Jayita Bhattacharjee "

Jayita Bhattacharjee

71 " I AM LOVE

I am the fountain of peace, lake of tranquility,
I am the lips of blooming youth,
I am the wine of soul and rose of nature’s bosom,
I am the glimpse of beloved through amorous eyes.

I am the elation, the sacred shrine in the heart of
An innocent child;
The chalice of my love overflows with divine grace,
I am the rose whom lover’s lips have touched.

The dawn breaks with the echo of my heart song,
And whispers in the twilight; I am the beating heart inside of you,
The twinkling star in the night sky, the ardent desire in the swell of passion,
I am the tremulous lips parted in delight, an expression of love’s rhapsody.

I breathe fragrance into your heart’s essence, tearing away the veil
Of your sorrowful sigh, I am the flute which plays music to your ears,
I am the nature’s call, the echo of mountains, the wild dance of a swelling ocean.

I am the blazing fire of love arousing your soul to an eternal call;
I flow towards the beloved like a dancing stream; I am the sweetness of your soul,
Who fondles the book of caressing memories, beckoning you to be lost in my heart call.

I am the lost gem of love that your hungry soul has been searching for years;
I am the loving wreath of moments of happiness,
Your name, engraved on my heart shines as a rarest treasure;
That sparkles, illuminates on my desolate soul.

From thee I arise, and to Thee I surrender;
You are the gushing spring of my ecstasy,
As the wine of my life rests in the chalice of your heart,
Your lips press it to mine, sipping a sap of it,
I die to rebirth in that soul wine.

Beyond all language, beyond all words, wherein lies the land
Of enchanting silence; a paradise where lovers yearn to dissolve,
And clasp the timeless love to their bare bosom.

Jayita Bhattacharjee , The Ecstatic Dance of Soul