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Dianne Duvall QUOTES

92 " He drew his fingers down over her collarbones drifting closer to her breasts. “The muscles here on our women are often as developed as ours.”
Judging by the heated look in his eyes, he didn’t mind at all that she had breasts instead of muscular pecs. “And here.”
Her pulse picked up as he cupped her breasts. “You’re rounder here. Softer. Fuller.” He squeezed them gently and drew his thumbs across the hard, sensitive peaks. Ava sucked in a breath as sensation shot through her.
“Do that again.”
He brushed his thumbs across the tight buds again., toyed with them and gave an experimental pinch. Ava jerked and arched against him.
“You’re sensitive here,” he murmured.
His lips captured hers once more, tasting and tempting as he explored her breasts and ratcheted up her need. She and Jak’ri had been nearly bare with each other countless times in their dreams as they swam and cavorted in Rounaka Sea, but they had been out in the open and the dreams had felt so real that she would never have thought of doing her lustful inclinations there for fear of being discovered. Now, however, they were alone. They were free and the cave enclosing them might has well have been a Honeymoon suite at a secluded resort. So there was no reason for her to hold back. She moaned. Jak’ri certainly wasn’t holding back. The women of Purvel might not have breasts like hers, but he sure as hell knew what to do with them, teasing and tweaking and squeezing until she squirmed against him. Her breath shortening.
“Jak’ri,” she whispered, tunneling the fingers of one hand through his thick hair while she slid the other down his back and rocked against the thick, hard ridge concealed by his pants. “I want you.”
Nodding he trailed heated kisses down her neck. “I want you too.” One of his big hands left her breast and cupped her ass, grinding her against him. “Are you ready to release your eggs?”
Sensation shot through her. “Hmmm?”
“Are you ready to release your eggs so I can fertilize them?” he murmured, clutching her closer.
Her eyes flew open. “Wait, what?” She leaned back.
“I assume your reproduce the same way Purveli’s do,” he said, dragging his eyes up from her breasts to meet hers. “You release your eggs, then I fertilize them.”
She stared at him, stunned. Release her eggs? Did he mean like a…like a fish? Her gaze shot to the barely discernable scales that coated his broad chest and handsome face. Did Purveli’s not have sex the way humans and Lasaran’s did?
His lips twitched as his eyes danced with mirth. Relief filled her.
“Oh my gosh,” laughing Ava shoved one of his shoulders. “You are so bad.”
He laughed. “Apologies, I couldn’t resist. My scales seemed to fascinate you. "

Dianne Duvall , The Purveli (Aldebarian Alliance #3)