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The Purveli (Aldebarian Alliance #3) QUOTES

8 " He drew his fingers down over her collarbones drifting closer to her breasts. “The muscles here on our women are often as developed as ours.”
Judging by the heated look in his eyes, he didn’t mind at all that she had breasts instead of muscular pecs. “And here.”
Her pulse picked up as he cupped her breasts. “You’re rounder here. Softer. Fuller.” He squeezed them gently and drew his thumbs across the hard, sensitive peaks. Ava sucked in a breath as sensation shot through her.
“Do that again.”
He brushed his thumbs across the tight buds again., toyed with them and gave an experimental pinch. Ava jerked and arched against him.
“You’re sensitive here,” he murmured.
His lips captured hers once more, tasting and tempting as he explored her breasts and ratcheted up her need. She and Jak’ri had been nearly bare with each other countless times in their dreams as they swam and cavorted in Rounaka Sea, but they had been out in the open and the dreams had felt so real that she would never have thought of doing her lustful inclinations there for fear of being discovered. Now, however, they were alone. They were free and the cave enclosing them might has well have been a Honeymoon suite at a secluded resort. So there was no reason for her to hold back. She moaned. Jak’ri certainly wasn’t holding back. The women of Purvel might not have breasts like hers, but he sure as hell knew what to do with them, teasing and tweaking and squeezing until she squirmed against him. Her breath shortening.
“Jak’ri,” she whispered, tunneling the fingers of one hand through his thick hair while she slid the other down his back and rocked against the thick, hard ridge concealed by his pants. “I want you.”
Nodding he trailed heated kisses down her neck. “I want you too.” One of his big hands left her breast and cupped her ass, grinding her against him. “Are you ready to release your eggs?”
Sensation shot through her. “Hmmm?”
“Are you ready to release your eggs so I can fertilize them?” he murmured, clutching her closer.
Her eyes flew open. “Wait, what?” She leaned back.
“I assume your reproduce the same way Purveli’s do,” he said, dragging his eyes up from her breasts to meet hers. “You release your eggs, then I fertilize them.”
She stared at him, stunned. Release her eggs? Did he mean like a…like a fish? Her gaze shot to the barely discernable scales that coated his broad chest and handsome face. Did Purveli’s not have sex the way humans and Lasaran’s did?
His lips twitched as his eyes danced with mirth. Relief filled her.
“Oh my gosh,” laughing Ava shoved one of his shoulders. “You are so bad.”
He laughed. “Apologies, I couldn’t resist. My scales seemed to fascinate you. "

Dianne Duvall , The Purveli (Aldebarian Alliance #3)

11 " Jak’ri nodded toward the cliff’s edge. “Shall we?”

“Not if you give me time to think about it.”

He flashed his teeth in a boyish grin. “One-two-three, jump!” he called and took off running, pulling her after him.

Ava’s eyes widened and her heart thudded hard in her chest as she ran alongside him.

Their feet hit the edge at the same time, and together they leapt off.

Jak’ri whooped as they plummeted toward the ocean, the sound so wonderfully carefree and appealing that Ava found herself grinning big even as she shrieked and squeezed the hell out of his hand.

He hit the water a split second before her. Cool liquid closed over their heads. Bubbles surrounded them as if they’d just jumped into a vat of club soda. Then he looped an arm around her waist and propelled them both to the surface.

“That was crazy!” she blurted, unable to stop smiling as she swiped water from her face.

“Crazy but fun?” he quipped, eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Maybe,” she hedged. “But not as fun at this.” Propelling her upper body out of the water, she planted her hands atop his head and dunked him. As soon as she released him, she began a lazy backstroke.

Jak’ri surfaced with a sputter and a laugh. When his silver eyes found her a few yards away, they acquired a devilish glint. “Oh, you’re going to regret that, little Earthling.”

Ava shrieked when he dove for her. Rolling onto her stomach, she took off, swimming in earnest.

Jak’ri’s fingers closed around one of her ankles. “Caught you!” She swam harder, getting absolutely nowhere, breaking into giggles as he issued dire threats in a villainous voice.

When was the last time she had honest-to-goodness giggled?

She yelped when he gave her ankle a yank.

Then she was in his arms and he was grinning wickedly at her.

“Think you can get the best of me, do you?” he taunted. Tucking his hands under her arms, he kicked his feet.

Ava laughed as he tossed her up out of the water. Through the air she flew, landing on her back several yards away. The water again closed over her head. When she surfaced, she quickly bent her head to hide her smile and rubbed her eyes. “Hang on a sec,” she mumbled.

Jak’ri immediately stopped laughing and swam toward her. “I’m sorry. Did you get something in your eye?”

“No.” She grinned at him. “I just needed to lure you closer.” Then she swept her arm through the water in front of him, sending a cascade over his head.

Sputtering, Jak’ri dove for her.

Laughter abounded as they played, even more so when he started sharing tales of his exploits with his brother.


Ava jerked awake. Damn it! She really hated to wake up. She and Jak’ri had been romping and playing like children. Having to come back to the reality of this cell and the assholes who’d put her in it sucked. "

Dianne Duvall , The Purveli (Aldebarian Alliance #3)

16 " Resting her head on her bent arm, she closed her eyes and tried to focus on something else. Like getting the hell out of here.
I’m not going to urinate in my canteen. I have to drink out of that.
She smiled when Jak’ri’s disgruntled voice came to her. She was too tired to block other people’s thoughts. And the Gathendiens all dosed themselves with some herb to keep their minds private. So Jak’ri’s and Ziv’ri’s were the ones she inadvertently found herself immersed in.
For once, she didn’t mind.
I don’t know why that would bother you, his brother responded dryly. After you drank that liquor from Promeii 7, I would think urine would be a vast improvement.
Though they spoke aloud, their thoughts mirrored their words, enabling her to listen in.
Jak’ri laughed. It probably would. That bura was revolting.
Yet you still drank it.
And won the wager.
Ziv’ri made a grumbly sound. I never should’ve wagered my hovercycle.
Best cycle I ever owned, Jak’ri crowed.
His brother grunted. Did you tell Ava about that?
She raised her eyebrows, surprised to hear Ziv’ri mention her.
No. I think I’ll spare her that one.
Why? Don’t want to tarnish your virile image by describing the week afterward that you spent hanging your head in the lav and regurgitating everything you ate?
Jak’ri laughed. I already tarnished my image when I showed her what I look like now.
Not a wise move. Even Shek’ra wouldn’t want you if she could see you now. You’re far too scrawny to attract a female.
Drek you.
Low masculine laughter accompanied the siblings’ teasing.
What does she look like? Ziv’ri asked.
Yes. All you’ve told me is she looks Lasaran.
A moment passed, and Ava found herself holding her breath as she awaited his answer.
She’s beautiful, Jak’ri said, something like affection tingeing his voice.
Warmth filled her.
Small and delicate like the Lasaran princess.
She was actually three inches taller than Ami. But Jak’ri had been a head taller than her or more, so she supposed anyone a foot shorter would seem small and delicate to him.
She isn’t built like our women, he continued. Her shoulders aren’t as broad. And her chest and back aren’t as muscled.
What about her breasts?
You don’t need to know about her breasts, Jak’ri chastised him. But they’re perfect, plump and round.
She didn’t think he said that last part out loud, thankfully.
Ava glanced down at her modest bosom. She’d always considered her breasts small by society’s standards. Certainly nothing that would stop traffic. But it seemed as though they were actually larger than most Purveli women’s.
And Jak’ri liked them, judging by the way his thoughts drifted to memories of her lacy bra cupping her breasts while they swam and played together in the ocean.
You’re thinking about her breasts now, aren’t you? Ziv’ri asked.
She grinned. Yes, he is, she answered telepathically.
Jak’ri gasped.
Oh ho! Ziv’ri crowed on a laugh. You’ve made my brother blush, Ava. I haven’t seen his face this red since Mother caught him—
Do not finish that sentence! Jak’ri ordered.
Ava laughed. "

Dianne Duvall , The Purveli (Aldebarian Alliance #3)