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Layla Frost QUOTES

96 " Jake ignored my question. “Who was that first guy you were talkin’ to?” “James. You met him at my house before.” “Why were you talkin’ to him?” “He stopped me to say hi. Why?” “He touched you.” “He tucked my hair behind my ear. It isn’t like it was obscene.” “Not like what Green wanted to do to you. Why the fuck were you talkin’ to him?” His jaw clenched as his body tensed further. “He stopped me. I was politely excusing myself and trying to get away from him.” “That didn’t seem to be workin’, did it? You like what he was sayin’ to you, babe? Like hearin’ him talk about your sweet cunt? Were you thinkin’ about how it would be?” Jake asked crudely, his voice low and rough. “No, what? How what would be?” “Fuckin’ a rock star. Slummin’ it with the lowly mechanic not doin’ it for you anymore?” I stared up at him in wide-eyed disbelief. Fuck it. Poke the bear. I glared at him, my temper rising. “Why are you being a jerk? I’m here with you.” “Oh, so if I wasn’t around? I could leave if that’d make it easier for you to work the room.” He lowered his hands and stepped back. His shoulders were tight as his fists clenched by his sides. “You’re being an ass. Come find me when you calm down.” I shifted to leave but Jake moved back into my space. “James,” he sneered, “tucked your hair behind your ear. Do you know how intimate that is? How it felt to watch that? And Blake? I can’t even go there again. You stood there and let them touch you, Piper. Why?” His hands slammed back on the wall, punctuating the word as his body pressed close to mine. “Jake, I didn’t—” “You don’t care when we don’t see each other. I called you yesterday, fuckin’ hatin’ that I had to cancel, but you were totally fine with it. Christ, you couldn’t even call yourself my woman on the way here. Obviously, you’re still free and available to do what you want. "

Layla Frost , Hyde and Seek (Hyde #1)