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Tracie Peterson QUOTES

84 " Whoowee, Miss Dandridge, you sound like a regular Sunday preacher. But I didn’t ask you out here to talk about God.” “And so what did you wish to discuss, Lieutenant?” “You. I figure you’re about the prettiest gal in all of Texas. Do you have a beau?” Hannah hadn’t realized this was the direction Lieutenant Atherton had figured to take. “My father’s partner has proposed marriage,” she replied. “However, with my father missing, I cannot even begin to think of courtship or proposals.” “Your father’s partner is Mr. Lockhart, is he not?” “That’s right. Do you know him?” “Enough to know he’s not a good choice for you. He’s old enough to be your pa. Most likely he just wants what he can get from you—money and property and such. He’s that kind of a man.” Hannah bristled. “I see.” “Well, I didn’t mean it to sound like you weren’t prize enough. It’s just that someone like Lockhart is always thinking of his own needs, and if your pa is . . . well . . . if he’s not coming back, then Lockhart probably figures to get this ranch for himself.” “Well, thank you, Lieutenant Atherton, for sharing your opinion with me.” “On the other hand, Miss Dandridge, I admire you for yourself. I think you’re a fine woman.” Hannah shook her head. “You are kind to say so, Lieutenant. However, if you would excuse me, I promised my brother and sister I would read to them.” He reached out to take hold of her arm. “I’m sorry if my boldness offended you. It’s just that I don’t have much time, and I thought I should make my interest known. Will said you weren’t anything to him . . . I mean . . . Well now, that sounded bad. He just told me that you two weren’t a couple or . . . "

Tracie Peterson , Chasing the Sun (Land of the Lone Star, #1)