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22 " You said me every possible worst wards, I was quiet. I requested you to talk once, you didn't contact, I was quiet. I was quiet at every that point wherever I needed you a lot in this world. But, why you checked my patience? What do you want from me?
Christian! Past is past. It has gone. Now listen to me, No one will take your place from my heart. It will be as it is. No one can pull out that moments from my strong memory. I'm persuading you as a little boy. You are listening? Christian, try to understand it. If you can't speak your mind, how can I come to know you? Christian! You're perfect in every manner. You did right things to me. I should get punishment for my deeds & I got it necessary. You were not wrong at any point. You were right, you are right & you will be. Now, the question is of me. See, come here! Seat next to me! Give your hand in my hand & listen carefully. I'm the only one who can understand you from inside. Don't need to hide your mind. No need to hide your emotions. You are the king Christian! You are not ordinary person. Please take care of your family, be strong, I'm an idiot lover of you, don't think about me. I have completely realized that you will never contact me in real way. So I'll not trouble you anymore. If you want to give me support then you can give me. Whenever you feel that you should quit then you can. You have total freedom from my emotions. I'll not tie you with me because you've already tied me from inside. Now next question is about my career. Genuinely I'm not trying to see my financial growth, any opportunity & nothing. Because I'm working on such projects where my employer has not back up for me. Christian, when I left you I gave you your diamond which you perfectly needed. But I can't quit or give up my incomplete development projects like this. This is not my nature. Honestly, I'm tired up now to find out next opportunity. No one will give me worth, I know it. Your option is not remained to go back. I have to continue my job for short period. This time, I'll not make a single mistake. I'll never try to contact you in real manner. Christian! You are a Phattu! Why do you need your people to handle a little girl? Shame on you! Be brave! & say everything! Why do you need a third person to handle your own angel? Leave! Though I was insulted by you, I was a part of your idiot politics, legal actions. Still you are the same for me as before & I'm still that idiot lover of you! Don't worry! I know how to grow, where to stop & where to restart. I'll not make loss of anyone in this journey. I'm sorry for everything where I hurt you & troubled you. Don't stress up for me! "


25 " Christian! I accept every blame on me. Kill me, do every worst thing but ...I never tried to knock out your door & you know it very well. If you are considering like it then please, don’t assume anything. Don’t do anything. I will not say anything. I’ll leave everything. I’ll go away. I’ll not make any social contact which can trouble you. But for God sake stop blaming me. My love is true, don’t spoil it by doing weird things. I have tried every possible attempt to keep you away. You tell me, what are you expecting? What should I do? You don’t know but it hurts me a lot. Why can’t you be normal? Why are you hurting me? I promise you that I’ll not participate in your any activity. But never say that my love was not true. Never blame at least my love. You can say anything to me, you can destroy me, but don’t say anything to my love. What do you think about yourself? Your love is great & mine? What are you saying? I’ll see you? By this way? Why are you doing all these things? Who said you to update my pages? Who said you to give me messages? Why are you doing all these things? Because you love me? You tell me, Is this a love? By torturing? By dominating? It’s ok if we are not seeing each other, it’s ok if we are not meeting each other. It’s ok if we have accepted our past. Let’s do everything, ok. But why we are hurting each other? What do you get from it? If you have right to put me on your fingertips, why I don’t have it? If you can do anything on social sites, why I can’t express myself? Because, it hurts you. Right? You can’t see it right? Think on it, for some minutes. How much I get hurt? I’m tolerating it that doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart. As you do, I can also do in same way. What did you say that I’m not easy to love? What you said that it’s hard for me to give it justice. The problem is not with you. What are you expecting that I shouldn’t post anything which can hurt you? Left it all. Remember one thing, Christian! I’m spending every fraction of second with you. You know my honesty but still you are showing me mirror, again without any valid reason. Again. I know, you’re also not feeling better by doing this, but you are doing. OK. Again great job, because you know, again I’ll forgive you. Don’t make me cry again because you know how much I love you & I know why are you doing all these things. I’m not stupid. "


33 " OK. Forget about me. Why are you crying? You don't want to meet me, don't want to see me, where is the problem then? Why you're burning? Why are you upset? How should I handle you? When I become strong, you get upset by thinking that I may forget you. When I'm crying, you says love yourself, I'm with you. Where are you? Where are you? Why you are shameful? You were not wrong; you did everything right. I'm proud of you as a professional. You are a perfect person. Never live in shame. I'm finding good opportunities. Don't worry. I'll go permanently. But don't blame yourself for me, don't change your life for me, never be upset because of me. I don't like to see you like that. I never intended to trouble you in anyway. I never thought it. But please, I don't want to be a reason of your mind change. You have to come out of it. You have sweet family. Focus on your parents, wife, daughter & your professional diamonds. I need this job in variety of aspects. I'm not telling you the reason that doesn't mean I'm wrong or I have any bad habit. I'm very thoughtful person. I never took random decisions. My parents & husband needs my earning. Try to understand. I have not married to rich person. He is as innocent as you. I have to keep him strong. Don't worry about me, I'm going to take another turn of my life soon. I know you don't need my motivation, you just trying to keep me motivating. I'm very positive. I know why you're keep suggesting that be positive, be positive. Because you don't like to hear anything which is going in opposite of you. You don't like to keep me apart. I'm not fool. What I told you? I know you; I always try to keep you out of me; but you never listens me. I'll not change you; because I also love you; this is the only feeling that we are living in each other. Just a slight difference is I think that we must live each other without any connection. You think that we must live each other by reader writer combination. So you controlled it. Now another thing is you feel low because of living, treatment which you have given me in past. You're worrying because I should do worth worthy work. I know all of your thought process from inside. I'm much better understanding human. Only do one small thing for me; never be in regret & please at least smile for me. Post your activities for me, so that I could get better energy. Never think about professional detachment. I'll always keep contributing for my favorite work place. Don't worry, I will never try to contact you in anyway to make you feel angry. I don't want to give you any pain which I never gave to anyone in my life. Forgive me wherever I went wrong & idiotic; but you know, only these moments are most memorable. "


36 " क्या चाहते हो इतना तो बताओ
जीने देते हो न खुद जीते हो
मिलते हो न मिलने देते हो
दूर रहते हो पर दूर जाते नहीं
पास आते हो और पास ही रहते हो
कितना समझाऊ आपको अब
मान जाओ ना सुनलो न अब
कितने दिन हम ऐसे ही तड़पते रहेंगे
सुनो जिद अच्छी नहीं होती
मान लुंगी आपकी हर एक बात
हर कदम पर दूंगी आपका साथ
मुझे खुश देखने में सुकून मिलता है ना
तो किया आजसे वादा की कभी उदास नहीं रहूंगी
बोहोत बोल दिया मैंने जो दिल पे लगी है
पर पता है न आपको चोट मुझे भी लगी है
चलो छोड़ दो जो हुआ सो हुआ
पर आपको गिराने का इल्जाम तो मत लगाओ
और ये क्या नया पागलपन है अब
इतने पास आके आपकी ये हरकते जान लेती है
एकबार मिलके सब हिसाब लगालो
ये रोज आपका तंग करना अच्छा नहीं है
फिक्र रहती है आपके दिल की
इसलिए दूर रहना बेहतर समझते है हम
धड़कने बढ़ती है डर सा लगता है
सारी बातें दिखने केलिए नहीं होती
कुछ समझनी पड़ती है और कुछ सवारनि
ऐसा नहीं है की कुछ पता नहीं है मुझे
पर कुछ बातें छोड़नी भी पड़ती है "


39 " I lied to you only. My co-workers was aware about each & every step of my another interview process. I had always shared everything to them without any obligation. Anyways, there is no point to discuss all these things, if you are not interested to talk to me. You have ended up it very harshly. Though you are still caring about me, but you know the way you said the last words was much hurting. I had approached you in sensible & professional way but you did something different which was totally unexpected. It's all right. I'll never blame you for that even I'm not complaining about anything. I just wanted to tell you the facts, that's it. I don't have any issue with anyone. I missed that place not only because of you. I missed that place because I was emotionally fitted over there. You said you have diamonds, Please take care of them. The stones like me are really unwanted in anybody's life. I know the limits of personal & professional life very well. I never mixed up that emotions anywhere. But I don't why that power came in to me to discuss everything to you. Sometimes I feel that I shouldn't have had to do all that things. But there is no point to discuss about it now. You know? Sometimes this emptiness of something is hard to fill up with everything. I know that it has no future, but in only personal case, in professional case, I was wishing a senior like you. You may suddenly end all your doings one day, but that day will be dead day. I know, everything has end, that's why I always suggested you that stop it now otherwise it will be hard for us. We have our whole life ahead. If you'll in touch with me up to the subscription only then please divert that subscription with another capable person. I'm sure, you have selected your family by seeing capabilities. We have been so closed in between this span. Emotional attachments are deep.
You know your name is connected with my zodiac. I (In my language) +libra is you. It can be co incidence & I never believed in all these things before. But after you, I have done every that thing which I disliked before. How? I don't know? I know, there is no point to share all these things but..... "
