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6 " I always like to fight alone, which helps me to detect my leading & lagging factors. I never like to take help in personal development, because my development is totally my responsibility & my decision. You don't need to prove yourself. I know nothing about your side & situation. Whatever I had done externally was my duty, return, love, relationship, because I started that concept in my mind. That was not your fault. No one did the things which you're doing for me, thanks for it. But I can't take the things for free. I'll remember it & give you possible returns. Don't worry, I know I'm a unwanted kicked out bitch who deserves a seat of beggar only & look..I don't have any desire now, I just want to survive in this whole world. "Lost girl", right caption. You gave me all negative tags & finally I realized that these are real & absolutely right. No need to prove or show that you are a good human. You have a class in humanity & by bottom of my heart I can say yes you have a class. Again I'm taking a risk. Big risk by which you can take a legal action. You can forward these writing to your management people & in your whole company. You can give it to the police. You may have given access of this to your IT team. Hi all team members! I'm a shameless bitch & no one reply to me hello! Because you all are high cultured community with humanity. I know I was badly insulted & gossiped person within that team. But this is the life; I have to take it positively. I have to love my haters because they can't become my enemy. You all hiders! I know you all are reading my secret story. I know you all must enjoy my writing. You people have great transparency of pure emotions & I'll definitely learn about it. Love you all! Enjoy me! I'm there for entertainment! "


7 " You walked & walked with me. But it’s just not happen. I’m not throwing you away; in fact, I’ll hold you in my heart. I’ve tied you to my soul. You listen to me. Carefully! By heart! You know very well that you have good family & you have a good sense of parenting. So, your wife needs you. I don’t want to take away anyone’s attention from his family. My husband needs me. You know, what we are doing. Right? I know what is your pain. I know, how you are feeling & I can better understand by which situation you would might have been gone through. I’m sorry for everything where I have hurt you. I’m very serious now. You know that it’s not easy to come back again. You know that our paths are completely scattered. I know, you want to see my happiness in worthy manner. I can exactly feel, what you are wanting in me. I’m trying my best. Don’t cry Christian! Never cry! I might have gone wrong in emotions. But forgive me like old student. I don’t know where it will take a long, but you also need to be strong because you are not so strong like me. You need to stand up, for your family, for your people, for me. I’ll always see you, never mind for it, because it is my strength. Don’t scold me Christian. I want to say something to you. Never try to hold me, please! It gives me double pain. One is because, it can’t practically possible & another is because I have no right on you! So, let’s hope in good ways. I know you, I don’t need any quotes or words to read you. So smile for me! & start your new turn happily. If you find it all shit, then also I’ll never mind it! "


14 " My life partner lied to me at some extend, but you know what? I never believed on him. I have a more trust on my soulmate than my life mate. He told me that you contacted first to discuss about me. But I knew that you could never do this. If you would have to do so then you would have done it in first attempt, in the first letter. But you love me a lot, I know it. The biggest co-incidence is that when I called you, he contacted you one day before for your personal number. Today I have seen that mails which you have forwarded to him. He always checks my pages too, so be careful my darling. Don't post our messages with any url. I know that there was not your fault my love. I didn't know that my life mate contacted you exactly before one day. You thought in different direction. But I knew that my life mate might be on other line with you. Now, I just don't get one answer only. Do that workplace know about this? If yes, then there is no point. If no, then we can meet at least for one time, to discuss & to be free for our sake. You know, my life mate loves me a lot, he can do anything for me, he can allow for very healthy relationship. Don't worry, I'm not expecting anything from you, but I'm just telling you that somewhere we both need to talk one time in details, only both of us. We both are very sensible, so if this bond get stronger with friendly kind open relation then we both shall not burn in this fire. We may have a open bond with more satisfaction & relaxed mind. What do you think? Gentleness is more pleasant in affection. We know what we are feeling for each other, can we open up it? So many things can be sort out. We both know how to control our senses & feelings for each other. If my life partner is the reason of your concern then don't worry about it. He can understand my situation, but he shouldn't left me like this. But it's OK. But I have a more trust on you than anybody, my these messages is our way to reach up to you. You know na..I trust you..Love you a lot. If you think that you should move on at any time then also I'll never hurt. Because I know, I have to spend my life without your presence & with your love. Its too late. I have to leave the office now. Love you! Take Care! Be careful! "


15 " If I would have reject by someone; I would never have disturbed that person. I know, you also have a very good family & mainly you have two beautiful daughters. Please take care of them. Be always attentive on them. This generation is very casual about the relationships. You’ll rarely find the character purity now a day. You must be always concerned about your daughters; find someone for them who not only cares for them but also be with them at every step of life. Find someone who will give them space to breath by themselves independently. I know you just trying to give selfless indirect support in my case. But sometimes it hurts me a lot. Sometimes it shows my non capability to me. I don’t know how to persuade you. You know, if you love someone & you get rejection on face then you become helpless. Love is not that thing which can be asked to anyone. It’s a power, eternal power. My love might be by one side, but the reality is I have to die with it now. I’m not that character who change the feelings according to people & situation. I have suffered a lot at every stage of my life; but I have to endure this stage till death. Pain is not of your rejection; pain is of that non capability. Suddenly we become so non capable that no one wants to accept us. Reason is love. What do you think? If I would be there what would I have done? I would sincerely have done my work as before; rather more seriously & much confidently. I just wanted to confess my feelings & I was ready for the worst results. Thank you for the results; I have to spend my life with your last few words only. I’ll never forget it till the end of my life. That was the first & last failure of my life where I lost my heart. I not got the single chance to take it back. This is the pain. This is the pain. I want to be free from this pain & this world. Just want to be free from everything.
My life partner took doubt on my character, cursed me a lot, never put trust on me after this incidence. One day he told me that you can’t work sincerely as before where you are in love with someone. I think that his thought shows his immaturity. Love is everywhere. My love is there with me now also. I got the true meaning of love; when I loved you; I was working with you. He never understands what is the true love. The place where your work interest & soul mate is in front of your eyes; that’s called heaven of love. Love you! Take Care! "


17 " When I saw you first time, I thought you might be of my age or near about same. You looked at me & went ahead. Again you took 3-4 rounds from the same path. I still remember that day. I was angry on that behavior, thought (who is he? Is he having shame or not? How stubbornly seeing directly into eyes? How dare he can?) I never thought that this man will change my life & become my life. I forcefully ignored you. You introduced me with all members & I thought you would be my senior colleague. I never thought that you were king of that place. I came to know that thing after 3 days & I was shocked. On my first day, I was looking for you, I didn’t know, where was your seating arrangement. I found you around but I didn’t notice you. At that time, I didn’t know your name too.
Don’t care for me, I am damn strong. Never think that I don’t understand your pain. You don’t know, how much I know you. Never think that I have an ego about myself. You are & you will be my first priority; no one will take your position my heart, I don’t like to show the things, that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you. Why do you think that I don’t love you or I’ll be not committed to you? I’m also working for somebody, so I have to do my work seriously. That doesn’t mean I don’t love you. To remember you, first I need to forget you. But I never missed you, because I never forgot you. Never. I didn’t realize that change at that time. I knew that something was different, I was enjoying that place, your real existence, but I didn’t know that it will become my habit, my part of life forever.
I was noticing your behavioral change when you were used to talk with me. There were so many questions in my mind, but after our every discussion, I just engaged in seeing your backward slowly walking image. My all questions were disappeared with your every walking step. I can still see your smile at any time, I can still hear your voice at any time. Those people are so lucky who are experiencing you around them, at least they can see you, interact with you, hear you. I was & I’m in love with your every single facial expression. You are always wanting to see me. But have you ever think about me? I also want to see you, I’m also your audience, though you like it or not, I don’t know. This love is the most powerful feeling in this world. It’s an unbelievable power. Take care of you & your people. Let me fight my life by myself, I can assure you that you’ll never be disappointed by me. For how long time you’ll waste your productive time on me? You are an intelligent entrepreneur, motivate your team & grow your business. If you want to see me happy then I want to hear your name in the world. I have a value of my job. I’ll be happier when my employer will add my identity by his own. You can show my existence to the world, but you know what? You are engaging me to these activities to know me more. Right? Absolutely right. You know what I mean. You must think about you & your family; mostly invest your time to grow it as you did before when I was there. You are the most productive person I have ever seen. Just don’t care of the rest; no one is alone in this world; everybody has God; you know about us. "


20 " You are everywhere in my life. From romantic night to dreaming morning. Why are you keeping these roots? You know I’m yours then why this confession? Why are you driving me crazy? Why are you putting sexy images? One hand on my boob and another with rose? Why you are coming too close? Why this type of love? Day by day you are becoming that person who is not in my life but you have taken all physical control of my feelings. That’s why I scared of you & I’m. I can’t bear this distance. If you are everywhere then why you are not? You know, in the night I always in your arms, you are playing with my body as you want. You have become that person who enters in my body & I can’t stop you, you are so charming, I want to hide you in me. Every morning, each night, work place, in every man I’m finding you, but no one is like you, I’ll go madder in you. You are perfect gentleman then why you are doing these crazy things? Please control yourself, please control me, don’t get insane, I’m anytime of you but these postings making me idiot. Why are you getting my love like this? You are too handsome that I can’t imagine sexier thing than you. You know what I mean? What’s wrong with you my honey? You have to control these feelings. Just imagine when we’ll meet each other, what will happen? We have shared a so many moments together, more than husband wife, you are more than it. Don’t love me like this where I can’t find any beautiful thing than you my sweetheart. Try to understand. Love you a lot...I don't know how this story starts & but it has given me YOU as everything. I want to see you..... "
