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Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1) QUOTES

3 " Do you have to replace the front door every day?”
Smiling at him, not a big smile, but a smile nonetheless. It warmed Jack from the inside out.
“What are you talking about? I told you, you’re safe here.”
“Are you safe here?”
He didn’t understand what she meant, but he liked her sweet smile.
“Women. They must beat down that door every day to get to you.”
He cracked up with laughter.
“You think so, huh.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“I think you’re pretty damn beautiful yourself.”
“Yeah, right. I hear bandages and bruises are in this year.”
“You’re beautiful.”
They stared at each other, that invisible but undeniable something passing between them.
He wanted to touch her, but knew now wasn’t the time. As forward as she’d been joking with him about women beating down his door, she shied away from acknowledging this thing between them.
He broke off the look first and dug out his supplies. He wrapped a bandage around her thigh, trying not to think about the softness of her skin or the fact she was naked under the sheet.
Her eyes fluttered shut. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. She placed her hand on his cheek.
Such a simple gesture. He leaned into her palm, felt her fingers brush against his skin.
How long has it been since a simple touch affected him so deeply?
Reluctant to leave her, nonetheless he drew back and her eyes remained closed. He took her hand from his cheek and placed it on the pillow next to her head.
He nuzzled at her ear and whispered, “Beautiful. Believe it.”

-Jenna & Jack "

Jennifer Ryan , Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1)

9 " Jack and Caleb stood in the driveway, the cars’ engines revving, and talked about their new toys.
The lights from the porch spilled down to them. Jenna stood, leaning against the post, watching, enjoying seeing their bond and appreciation of the cars. “Boys with toys.” She smiled from the top step. “You guys look happy.”
“What’s not to be happy about? These are the coolest cars ever,” Caleb said with the exuberance of a teen with his very own custom hot rod.
“You owe me a ride, Jack.”
“Honey, I aim to give you the ride of your life as soon as this one goes home to his wife.” Jack gave her a wicked grin and closed the hood of his car. Jenna laughed and smiled. “You have a one-track mind.”
When was the last time she felt this light?
“Honey, my mind hasn’t been off you since I saw you in the diner.”
“I got the hint. I’m going.” Caleb closed the hood of his car, still purring like a really big kitten.
He walked over to Jenna as she came down the porch steps to the gravel drive. He wrapped his arms around her, careful of her healing back, and she wrapped hers around him. So easy to do now that she’d opened herself to him, the whole family.
He bent and whispered into her ear, “Thank you. Thank you for what you gave to my wife, my children, and me. I’ll never be able to repay you. If you ever need me, I’ll be there for you, no matter what. You can count on me. You’re an angel, an absolute angel.”
“Get your hands off my woman. You have one of your own at home.” Jack watched his brother-in-law with Jenna. They’d created a close bond, the same as with his sister. She didn’t shy away from him when he embraced her; instead she held him and drew on his strength. Caleb would be like a big brother to her. He would protect her.
Caleb drew Jenna away just enough to look into her eyes. He put his hand to her cheek, his other arm still wrapped around her. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Caleb. You’re a good man.”
“You make me want to be a better one.”
“I just want you and your family to have a happy life.”
“We will, thanks in part to you and Jack. You’re part of that family now, too. Don’t ever forget that.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. You’re a wonderful person. The best I’ve ever met.” He kissed her cheek and released her, turning back toward Jack.
“I already punched you for kissing my sister. I guess I have to punch you for kissing her now, too,” Jack teased. Caleb didn’t rise to the bait. “You hurt her, and I’ll be the one throwing the punches.” He smiled back at Jack, then walked over and gave him a big bear hug. “Thanks for what you did for me, Summer, and the kids. It means everything to us. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smacked Jack on the back before getting into his car. Caleb revved the engine, beamed them an excited smile, and took off like a rocket toward home.
“You going to hurt me, Jack?”
“Not if I can help it. I’ll spend the rest of my life and yours trying to make you happy. How’s that sound?”
“Like heaven. Take me for a ride.”

-Jenna, Caleb, & Jack "

Jennifer Ryan , Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1)

11 " Who is Blue?”
“You’ll see. She’ll be out in a minute.”
Jenna walked out leading Blue by a rope, the three guards following. Blue sidestepped and nearly knocked down one of the men.
“You let her ride that stallion. Are you crazy? He’ll kill her.”
“Watch. That horse is the meanest sonofabitch I’ve ever put into that barn. He’s bitten just about every ranch hand on the spread. Given a chance, he’ll kick the shit out of you.”
“And you trust him with your pregnant fiancé?”
“Patience,” Jack said and smiled with pride.
Jenna stopped just outside the doors and stood in front of Blue and rubbed a hand down his long nose. He bent his head and rested it between her breasts and down her chest and belly like he did every time she came to see him. She rubbed his ears and his face.
“Oh my God. She just turned that big, giant stallion into a puppy.”
Jack’s pride swelled. She was amazing.
“Just watch, Sam.”
Jenna kept rubbing and talking to Blue. Blue raised his head and rested it over Jenna’s shoulder and down her back as if giving her a hug. She wrapped her arms around his head and neck. He raised her right off her feet. He put her down gently again. She whispered into his ear and walked to his side. She pulled on the lead rope indicating she wanted him to go down to the ground, and he happily obliged.
Sam watched in astonishment as the stallion literally kneeled on the ground with his front legs and allowed Jenna to mount him.
Still very high off the ground, even when kneeling, but Jenna managed as if she’d done it a hundred times. Then she gave him a tap in the side with her heels and the horse stood up.
“Amazing,” Sam said. “That horse is in love with her.”
“Yes, I know. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I’m jealous.”

-Sam, Jack, & Jenna "

Jennifer Ryan , Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1)

13 " She grabbed a brush and stroked Blue’s neck. He nudged her with his big head wanting more.
Caught up rubbing down Blue, she didn’t hear Jack come in behind her.
He put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. Jenna jumped and almost lost her footing. Ever protective, Jack steadied her by wrapping his arms around her and drawing her back to his chest. His voice came out low and husky at her ear.
“It’s me. Leave my horse alone and come to bed with me.”
She leaned into him, savored his warmth and strength wrapped around her.
“You scared me. I’m all wound up about tomorrow. I thought a little exercise would help me sleep.”
Blue shifted and nudged Jack’s shoulder. “I think your horse is jealous.”
Jenna gave Jack a sweet smile over her shoulder.
“Yeah, well he can join the club. So far, Sam and Ben fit into that category, too. They both think I don’t deserve you. I’m sure they’re plotting to steal you away from me.”
“No way,” she said, astonished and embarrassed. She turned in his arms and placed her hands on his chest.
“Sam’s convinced he can get you to leave with him. He doesn’t even mind the babies are mine, because, well, technically we have the same DNA, so no one can prove they aren’t his.”
“Good lord. Is this what you guys talk about while you’re watching ball games and drinking beer?”
“Nah, mostly he and Ben talk about how they’ll get rid of me and hide my body.”
“Stop it. That’s not funny. Besides, that’d be hard to do these days with all the guards. Three are watching us right now.”
“Not us, you. They’re plotting how they can get rid of me and still keep an eye on you at the same time.”
“All right, that’s enough. Take me to bed and claim me as yours.”
“I’ve already done that, it doesn’t seem to convince anyone. They still want you for their own.”

-Jack & Jenna "

Jennifer Ryan , Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1)

15 " THE EXCITEMENT IN the boardroom was only overshadowed by the anticipation. They didn’t have long to wait. Sam yelled for everyone to get down. Jack pushed her from behind and shoved her to the floor, covering her with his body.
Shots rang out. Someone cried out in pain. Jack cursed, snapping her out of her haze. She tried to look up, but Jack kept her head down.
Two more shots rang out before everything went eerily quiet.
“Jenna, are you okay?” Sam called to her from the doorway.
“Fine,” she answered automatically, unsure about anything at the moment.
“Everyone else okay?” Sam asked.
All the men indicated they were fine, but she didn’t hear Jack among them. Jack eased his weight off her and slid aside. Cameron helped her to her feet and the two bodyguards flanking her made room for her to pass.
Jack leaned against the wall, blood running down his left arm, a gun in his right. She flung herself against his chest and held on to him, unable to look through the doorway where the first shots originated.
Sam was excellent at his job. In his background check on David, he’d discovered David’s gun permit. Using some of his less-than-reputable contacts from the FBI, they’d had someone break into David’s house and office to locate the weapon. David actually owned quite a few guns, only one registered, which he kept in his office, locked in his desk drawer. They assumed David would be in a rage before he left the boardroom, and his rage would make him pick up the gun and come after Jenna. Provoking him was risky, but it was also the only way to end David’s terrorism. Knowing David would be volatile, she and Sam had sat in the office at the ranch planning what they’d do to prevent the inevitable. They figured David would probably try to get to her before she got back on the plane. She never thought David would come after her before she’d even left the boardroom.
“What the hell were you thinking? You weren’t supposed to have a gun. I’m going to kill Sam,” she said and grabbed his lapels and shook him.
“Later, give me a kiss.”
She pressed her lips to his. Warm, alive, she thanked God he was alive. She helped him off with his suit jacket, revealing the deep furrow on the outside of his arm.
“Looks like this time you get the stitches. Maybe if you need a pokey shot, Lily will give you a lollipop.” She gave him her most sugary sweet smile, even though they both knew she wasn’t happy about the situation.
A tear slid down her cheek. “I could have lost you.”
“Now you know exactly how I felt when he took you.”
The relief overcame her fear. She pressed her forehead to his and took a moment to savor the closeness and the fact that they were both alive. She took a calming breath before addressing Sam. “Is David dead?”
“Yes, just outside the door. Jack got him.”
“I told you I’d kill that bastard.”

-Sam, Jenna, & Jack "

Jennifer Ryan , Saved by the Rancher (The Hunted, #1)