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Miss Eliza's English Kitchen: A Novel of Victorian Cookery and Friendship QUOTES

5 " After that, we don't talk much until she brings out a ginger cake from the larder.
"An old family recipe," she says. "I've been experimenting with the quantities of cloves and Jamaica ginger. Tell me what you think." And she pushes a slice toward me. I try not to gobble for it, for I am starving.
"The most important thing with this cake is to beat in every ingredient, one by one, with the back of a wooden spoon," she says. "Simply throwing everything in together and then beating produces a most unsuccessful cake. I know because my first attempt was as heavy as a brick---quite indigestible!" She gives a rueful smile and asks if I think it needs more ginger.
I feel the crumb, dense and dark, melt on my tongue. My mouth floods with warmth and spice and sweetness. As I swallow, something sharp and clean seems to lift through my nose and throat until my head swims.
"I can see you like it." Miss Eliza watches me and smiles.
And then I blurt something out. Something I know Reverend Thorpe and his wife would not like. But it's too late, the words jump from my throat of their own accord. "I can taste an African heaven, a forest full of dark earth and heat."
The smile on Miss Eliza's face stretches a little wider and her eyes grow brighter. And this gives me the courage to ask a question that's nothing to do with my work. "What is the flavor that cuts through it so keenly, so that it sings a high note on my tongue?"
She stares at me with her forget-me-not eyes. "It's the lightly grated rinds of two fresh lemons! "

Annabel Abbs , Miss Eliza's English Kitchen: A Novel of Victorian Cookery and Friendship