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If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person (Grace Series, #1) QUOTES

8 " why did Jesus have to die?” The simple answer is, he didn’t. His death was not God’s will. God didn’t send Jesus into the world to atone for sin. He was born to live, learn, and know God. He experienced a profound intimacy with God. Around the age of thirty, Jesus felt led to challenge the inaccurate images of God prevalent in his day, to introduce people to his Father, and to encourage them to live as people of grace. Jesus hoped the people of Israel would respond to his message and become “a light unto the Gentiles.” What Jesus sought was not the establishment of a new religion, but the establishment of the kingdom of God—a kingdom of goodness and grace. Unfortunately, as Jesus discovered, only a few glimpsed this kingdom. Most, rather than sharing his vision, thought him demon possessed. His insistence on the grace of God when many were eagerly awaiting God’s wrath only increased their suspicion. Rather than raising an army to challenge Rome, he cleared the temple and claimed its courts as “a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7). Instead of destroying the Gentiles, he invited them into the Holy of Holies. Grace got Jesus killed. Jesus died because the clash between unwavering love and unyielding pride and intolerance always result in a cross or an assassination or torture or imprisonment or persecution. The cross is simply one more sign of humanity’s consistent resistance to grace. We silence any messenger who challenges our quest for a favored position. "

Philip Gulley , If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person (Grace Series, #1)