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Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart QUOTES

12 " To the Po'lice

In case you are
the answer is yes:
you have hurt us. Deeply.
Just as you
you and those
who sent you.
You do know by now
that you do not send

I imagine your Designers
sitting back
in the shadows
as we weep.
Though usually devoid of feeling,
they are experiencing a sensation
they almost enjoy:
they get to witness, by twisted
enchantment, dozens
of strong black mothers
They planned
and nurtured
your hatred and fear
and focused the kill shot.
Then watched you
try to explain
your innocence on TV.
It is entertainment for
them. They chuckle and drink
Watching you squirm.
They have tied you up
in a bag of confusion
from which you
will never escape.
It’s true you are white, but you are so fucking poor,
and dumb, to boot, they say.
A consideration that turns
them pink
with glee.
(They have so many uses planned
for the poor, white, and dumb: you would be
You and the weeping mothers
have more in common than you might think:
the mothers know this.
They have known you
far longer
than you have known them. After centuries,
even those in the shadows, your masters,
offer little mystery.
If you could
find your true courage
you might risk everything
to sit within a circle, surrounded
by these women. Their eyes red
from weeping, their throats raw.
(They might strike you too, who could swear
they wouldn’t?)
Their sons are dead
and it was you
who did the deed.
Scary enough.
But within that enclosure
Naked to their grief
Is where you must center
If you are ever
To be freed. "

Alice Walker , Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart