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Come A Little Bit Closer (San Francisco Sullivans, #7; The Sullivans, #7) QUOTES

9 " And from what I remember about our casting meeting, his eyes kept circling back to you.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said in as light a voice as she could manage, as if they were joking about something that would never, ever happen in a million years.
“Well,” George said after a pause that was just a little too long for her comfort, “I think we both know that if the beautiful and talented and filthy rich Smith Sullivan is smart enough to try to stick his hands up your skirt, you won’t stand a chance.”
She hated knowing her friend and colleague was right, hated it so much that as she grabbed a stack of notes on her desk, she tried to put a stop to all of his nonsense by saying, in her sternest, most businesslike tone, “If you’re done speculating over whether or not Smith Sullivan wants to stick his hands, or any other body part, up my skirt—or if I have strong enough superpowers to resist him—perhaps we can now discuss the details of Tatiana’s recent commercial offer.”
A creak from her office doorway made her finally lift her gaze from her paperwork…to stare straight into Smith’s amused eyes.
Oh, God.
Oh, no.
Could he have heard what she’d just said? About her skirt, and his hands, and…
Yes, she realized with a hard thunk of her heart as it careened down to the bottom of her stomach. Of course he’d heard every last word of it.
Why else would he look so amused…and, quite possibly, delighted?
“George, I’ll need to call you back in a few minutes.”
“Oooh, you sound tense. And more than a little breathless. A movie star must have walked into the room.” George was obviously giddy over it. “Why don’t you just leave your phone on speaker so I can hear his voice—just in case he says all those naughty things I know we’re both hoping he’ll say.”
She hung up on Tatiana’s agent and immediately stood up so that she and Smith would be on even ground. Well, as even as they could be, given the six or so inches he had on her even in her heels.
“You didn’t need to hang up so quickly for me,” he drawled in a voice that didn’t try to be sexy. It just was.
“I know how busy you are,” she replied. And it was true. As star, director, producer and screenwriter of Gravity, she wasn’t sure how he’d managed more than a handful of hours of sleep a night since production began. And yet, he didn’t look the least bit tired. Instead, he looked even more handsome than he usually did.
Clearly, he wore smug well. Because she knew damn well just how smug he had to be feeling after what he’d heard her say to George. "

Bella Andre , Come A Little Bit Closer (San Francisco Sullivans, #7; The Sullivans, #7)

14 " Valentina.” His low voice thrummed over nerves stretched taut. “Those files you asked for are in my office.”
“Great,” she managed in what she hoped was a calm, even voice. “I’ll get them from you—”
There were no files. And even if there had been, she certainly could have waited to get them until after he and Tatiana finished shooting their next scene. But something told her it was either follow Smith into his office now…or risk him doing something in front of everyone on set that would have eyebrows rising and tongues wagging.
She could see he wasn’t in the mood to wait too long for her to make her decision, so she quickly said, “We’ll be right back,” to their sisters and led the way to his office. She could feel his eyes on her, the subtle sway of her hips feeling more pronounced beneath the heat of his gaze, every sensitive area of her body already responding to him without so much as a touch.
She’d barely stepped into his office when she heard the door close—and lock—behind them.
“Smith.” She slowly turned around to face him. “Lori never would have said that if she knew you were the guy I’ve been—”
He waited, one eyebrow raised…and her stomach twisted at the sure knowledge that no matter what she said, she was only going to hurt him again.
She couldn’t say they were just sleeping together, because she couldn’t deny that what they had shared had been more than that. So much more. Even though she’d been trying as hard as she could to convince herself that it wasn’t.
“I don’t know what to call what we’re doing,” she said softly. “Actually, I tried to find you this morning in your office so that we could talk.” God, she hated admitting it, but he had to know. “I don’t know how to handle how fast everything has been moving between us. And even though every day I tell myself it’s the last time, things between us just keep getting—”
Words stalled on the tip of her tongue at his rough-edged command. "

Bella Andre , Come A Little Bit Closer (San Francisco Sullivans, #7; The Sullivans, #7)