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Temptation Ridge (Virgin River, #6) QUOTES

90 " So, I invited my brother to go over to the coast to have a beer, check out the women, and what does he tell me? Not interested in doing that—he wants to go to this little bar in Virgin River. But he doesn’t tell me why. What an incredible coincidence that you happen to be here, Miss McIntyre.” She laughed at him, finding him darling and playful, two things Luke definitely was not. “Please, it’s just Shelby. He knew I’d be here. It’s almost a standing date.” “Is it, now? Is there another one of you at home?” “I’m afraid not,” she said. “But I understand there are more brothers.” “Aiden, Colin and Paddy. But I’m the richest and most handsome.” “And the biggest pain in the ass,” Luke inserted. “Where do you fall in the pack?” Shelby asked. “Number four. Luke’s the oldest.” He looked over his shoulder at Luke. “He’s very old, you know. And I think my family and your family were at war for thousands of years,” he teased. He sipped his beer. “Yeah, the McIntyre-Riordan wars. Sure am glad that’s over.” “And none of you married?” “At last count, two of them tried it and blew it. They insist it wasn’t their fault,” he said, grinning. Luke was going to take him home and beat the shit out of him. But Shelby was loving it. The sly grin on the general’s face was unmistakable and the amused crinkle at the corners of Jack’s eyes suggested he was getting too big a kick out of this as well. And "

Robyn Carr , Temptation Ridge (Virgin River, #6)

98 " I don’t come here every night, so I thought maybe we just missed each other. But I asked Jack—you haven’t been around for a beer at all. A couple of weeks, I think….” Eleven days, he thought miserably. “And you were going to make a break for it once I showed up. I hadn’t even considered you were avoiding me. Do I make you nervous or something?” she asked. “Whew,” he answered, shaking his head. “I haven’t been out of the army long enough to get over that rank thing. Your uncle—” “Isn’t anywhere in sight,” she said, cutting him off. “Is it just my uncle?” “You’re a pretty girl, Shelby,” he said. “And you’re just a girl. Puts me on edge, yeah.” “Well then, we’re even,” she said. He gave her a perplexed look and she said, “You’re a good-looking guy, obviously been around a lot more than I have, and you’re older. Scary.” He laughed at her candidness. “There you go—like water on a grease fire. Let’s play it safe, huh? Now tell me about your day.” “Nothing to tell. Besides, this is interesting. I’d like to know what’s going on here. So, it’s pretty much that I’m a lot younger than you are. Or you just don’t like me.” And then she blushed, which made him squirm. It obviously took guts for her to push on this issue. But she wanted to know. So he decided to tell her. “You know what it is, Shelby,” he said. “You’re young and tender. A sweet young thing. I’m hell on sweet young things.” She laughed at him. “I bet anything you usually find a way to get past all that.” Well, she didn’t scare easy, Luke realized with some admiration. "

Robyn Carr , Temptation Ridge (Virgin River, #6)