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The Crown Tower (The Riyria Chronicles, #1) QUOTES

43 " Perhaps one of us should talk to him?” Eugene suggested. “If we find out his story, there might be nothing to fear.”

“Our young apprentice has a point,” Sebastian said with enough surprise in his voice to draw a scowl from the younger man. “It’s upsetting to have a tiger about and not know if it’s hungry. Go speak to him, Eugene.”

“No thank you. I had the idea.”

“Well I certainly can’t,” Sebastian said. “I’m far too talkative. It’s a trait that has often led to problems. We don’t want to provoke the man unnecessarily. What about you, Samuel?”

“Are you insane? You don’t send a lamb to question a tiger. The soldier should go. He has nothing to be afraid of. Even a murderer would think twice before challenging a man with two swords.”

They all looked at Hadrian.

“What do you want to know?”

“His name,” Sebastian suggested. “Where he’s from. What he does-”

“If he’s the murderer-” Vivian burst in.

“I’m not so sure you’ll want to lead with that,” Samuel said.

“But isn’t that what we all want to know?”

“Yes, but who would admit to such a thing? Better to get enough information to build a picture and then infer the truth from that.”

“But if you ask straight out, that will serve as a warning that we’re wise to him and on our guard. Any plans he might have will be spoiled and abandoned.”

“How about I just see how things go,” Hadrian said, rising. "

Michael J. Sullivan , The Crown Tower (The Riyria Chronicles, #1)