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Beyond the Burning Sea (Fate's Crucible, #1) QUOTES

1 " Maynard, what have you been doing with yourself?" Odegar Taumber asked as the slow moving librarian shuffled from the stairwell to the main floor. Casselle caught sight of Temos and Raabel and motioned for Jaksen to deposit the books on a nearby and conveniently clean table. He did so and the squadmates reunited, just out of earshot of the Captain.
"I see you two found him," Raabel said. "We've been back for some time. I guess he's as slow as he looks?"
"Casselle found him," Jaksen replied. "And he's both slow and rude. I'm sure he's important enough, but seems like he was in no real danger to begin with."
"I took a look out of the windows while we were searching for him," Temos said. "It doesn't look like it's calmed down much out there. I'd hate to think of trying to move him through an angry crowd. He doesn't look nimble enough to sneak by, either."
"If we weren't in this damned armor, I'd just carry him," Raabel said. Coming from someone else, it might have been considered a boast, but Raabel usually didn't say things he wasn't sure he was capable of doing. Casselle pictured the old man wailing in protest, thrown over Raabel's shoulder and being forced to bounce along like a sack of potatoes. Raabel was right about the armor, though: it was clumsy and ill-fitting. It was obvious that it had not been altered for them, and none more obvious than on Casselle. Her broad shoulders were a boon, but even bound, her breasts had proved problematic to find a properly sized chestplate from a stockpile that had been made exclusively for men. They had settled on a piece that was just slightly too large, having previously been worn by a heavyset Templar from a time before.
In thinking of it, she pondered Maynard's earlier words.
"He called me a boy," she said. "A fat young boy."
Her squadmates took a step back, shocked.
"And you did not correct him?" Raabel asked.
"Or worse?" Jaksen asked.
"To be fair," Temos said after a moment, "he is very old. It is entirely possible he has lost his will to live. "

T.B. Schmid , Beyond the Burning Sea (Fate's Crucible, #1)