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The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1) QUOTES

7 " There were more dead in the courtyard, piled deeper around the steps to the
hall, bodies twisted together, hacked and mutilated. And on the steps in the midst
of it all sat a woman. She was gore-drenched, red with blood from her head to
her boots, a long-axe lying across her lap. An ugly creature was perched upon
her shoulder, with a nasty-looking sting on its tail, and another vaesen sat on the
steps before the woman. It was small, with sharp claws and a half-spear in its
tiny, slim-fingered hand. A tennúr. It had a mound of what looked like bloodcovered nuts piled at its feet and was crunching on one of them as it looked at
Varg. A shiver of revulsion passed through Varg as he realised they weren’t
nuts: they were human teeth. And he didn’t like the way the tennúr’s gaze fixed
for a long moment upon his own mouth. The two vaesen regarded Glornir and
the Bloodsworn with suspicious, violent eyes.
Sitting around the woman’s legs were children, maybe twelve or fifteen of
them. They were the only things in the area not spattered in blood. They didn’t
seem to be scared of the woman, which Varg found strange, as his blood was
tingling, and he felt the ripples of fear and danger pulsing off her. If he had
hackles like Edel’s wolfhounds, they would have been standing stiff and straight.
Ahead of him Varg heard Glornir gasp a breath.
The woman looked up at them as they approached, her eyes fixing on
Glornir. Varg saw recognition dawn in them.
“He’s not here,” the woman said, shaking her head, “he’s not here.” The pain
in her voice was palpable. Tears had streaked clean lines through the blood and
gore and fragments of bone that were thick on her cheeks.
Glornir reined in his horse and slipped from his saddle, then walked a few
steps towards her and stopped.
“Orka Skullsplitter,” he whispered.
The woman stood.
“My brother?” Glornir asked.
“They killed him and took my son,” she said, fresh tears rolling down her
Glornir walked up to her and spread his arms wide, pulling her into an
embrace. "

John Gwynne , The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1)